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Chapter 2348: Xu Zhensheng is Quite Cunning

After settling Wei Qin, Meng Yunzheng thought of the young man he had seen earlier near the entrance and turned to ask Xu Zhensheng, "Are you very familiar with that person?"

Xu Zhensheng smirked and shook his head, saying, "Not really. He hasn't been in Zhengdao Village for long, and I didn't spend much time with him before. However, after you and your group came last time, he found an opportunity to get closer to me and subtly tried to gather information about all of you."

Meng Yunzheng and Shu Yu frowned. "He approached you?" With Wei Qin's presence in the village, it might not be safe.

Sensing their concern, Xu Zhensheng quickly reassured them, "Don't worry, although he tried to get information from me, he didn't learn anything. After a couple of days, he got tired of hanging around me and kept finding excuses, saying he had a lot of work to do and wanted to keep his distance. I think he's also afraid I might be gathering information about him, considering he seems to have more secrets than I do."

Xu Zhensheng had a mischievous side to him. When the young man approached him to inquire, Xu Zhensheng didn't shy away from answering. He even exaggerated his friendship with Shu Yu from several years ago, inventing tales that were highly embellished and even making up nonexistent details to emphasize his own status in Zhengdao Village and in front of the County Princess.

The village had its fair share of elderly residents who knew about Shu Yu's history in Zhengdao Village, so when they heard Xu Zhensheng's far-fetched stories, they naturally refuted them. This left the young man confused about what was true and what was false, making it even more difficult for him to obtain any valuable information.

Therefore, after a few days of fruitless inquiries, he seemed to have lost interest in Xu Zhensheng's tales and decided to keep his distance. However, with the arrival of Meng Yunzheng and his group, he might renew his interest in gathering information.

But it was clear that he was not a match for Xu Zhensheng's cunning tactics.

Meng Yunzheng actually had some appreciation for the young man. "You can continue to play with him for a few more days, but find an opportunity to keep your distance from him. Don't maintain contact with him any longer."

Xu Zhensheng was puzzled. "Why? I can gather information about the people who are taking care of him."

Meng Yunzheng shook his head. "While this young man might not be too cunning, the others around him are experienced and ruthless individuals. Even if you don't do anything, they may still worry that you know something. To be on the safe side, they might decide to deal with you, and it won't be difficult for them."

Lin Shi, Xu Zhensheng's mother, immediately grew nervous and earnestly advised him, "Listen to what Master Meng says."

Shu Yu, also concerned that Xu Zhensheng's youthful enthusiasm might lead him into danger, added a couple more words. "Even if you don't care about yourself, think about your parents. If they want to eliminate loose ends, they won't just target you."

Upon hearing this, Xu Zhensheng's expression changed noticeably. He bit his lip and said solemnly, "I understand. In a couple of days, I will cut off contact with him."


With Xu Zhensheng heeding their advice, Meng Yunzheng inquired about what he had learned during his recent interactions with the young man. However, the young man had been cautious and didn't provide any useful information.

After the meal at the Xu family's house, Meng Yunzheng and his group returned to the Zhuangzi. Before leaving, Shu Yu visited Wei Qin. "Sister-in-law, we have to leave. We will depart from Zhengdao Village early tomorrow morning. Take good care of your injuries, and we'll be back soon."


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