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Gonna be a pretty straightforward post this week, with just one last question at the end I wanted to run by y'all about how the idea box process will be updated at the end there, so here we go.

So first thing I started this week was cleaning up a bunch of the storyboards to make keyframes. In addition to a bunch of the early ones I went ahead and cleaned up the last two as well. 


Once I had enough of the sketched frames, I started sketching ahead of time the rest of the frames for the early part of the animation, which is why there are more frames besides just the storyboard ones there. I think getting the rhythm figured out for the early part will make figuring out the rhythm for the rest easier, and make sure each bit of motion feels rightfully unique. See y'all next month with more progress.

And now one last thing I wanted to ask before locking down the new idea box system. 

The way it was before if your idea didn't get picked a month you'd need to rejoin that tier and submit the idea again. What if instead of that, for a higher tier, you could submit your idea to the list and it will stay on that list each month until it gets made? 

This is probably a messier change though since it runs the risk of the monthly list getting alot longer than it has been before, and also for the sake of fairness, ideas that take longer than the monthly work period will still need to be resubmitted and picked again, which may end up not feasible if the new pledge tier needs to be high enough so that the monthly list does not end up too massive. It would also come with the option that if your idea is on the list but you decide you want to change it to something else, you can let me know and I'll change it without needing to be at the higher tier again.

Even if it may be alot to go over, I thought I should still put that out there just in case before locking down what the new system will be. Next week's post I want to make a rundown of it all for y'alls final approval. 




what program do you use to animate?

Finn the Human

I think that system sounds OK so still need to resubmit the idea BUT it will be pinned up in the sidelines so to speak so it sort of doesn't have to be resubmitted and would be worked on but not as priority as say a smaller time consuming project? Am I right in interpretating that or did I miss something?


No, the ideas would stay on the list only until picked, either by voting or myself each month. Then for the continuation of multi-month projects, the idea would then need to be resubmitted to get placed on the list again so that it's fair for the folks who post projects of more workable length.