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So starting out on this long project means there's alot to go over, so here we go. I've mostly plotted out how the transformation is gonna progress over the course of how long this clip is. To start out with I wanted to see how much of the background I had to worry about keeping covered which is what you see in those first two pics. It came down to I could make up for most of the problem parts of Tatsumaki's original silhouette in the scene, except for her collar and the trails of her outfit in some parts, so I figured those would be left behind in the design even after the tf. 


Given that each bit of the scene is long enough to be a gif unto itself, I seperated each bit of transformation so that there's enough happening in each clip to make it worthwhile such as the breasts and udder and whatnot. I knew I wasn't going to be able to finish all of them this week, but I atleast covered most of the important parts, though I ended up short of the final sketches for her end result. I'm hoping to have sketched the rest of the keyframes for next week, but this being the longest clip I've ever attempted editing, chances are I won't get the chance to start animating this one before next month's voting happens. 

With the little extra time I had I sketched another page of the RWBY comic for Wiggles. Since there's not much to show, I've got both the sketched version and the rough planning since it shows a little more of the process. Finished version will be up next week.






The cows don't stop coming!


I can already tell this is going to be amazing!


They are certainly gonna bloody stop after this last one...If that last poll's comment section showed anything it is that we are sick and tired of the same monotonous subject of Cow TF animation suggestion constantly being selected by the cult of bovine fetishists that for the last 3-4 polls have chosen nothing but Cow TF crap over and over again.... It is now time to change this and try something that isn't straight bimbo or cow related, like the Zelda Renamon TF concept and many others...

Finn the Human

It's a Cow pandemic, Bovid 21 XD still it looks cool so far and Ruby looks cute and floofy. Tatsumilky's collar is looks like it's gonna be the only tattered thing left of her outfit and I'm sure after this there will be much much much less cow stuff, probably pokemon or yugioh stuff or other anime people enjoy and these sketches look very cool too. 👍 Especially doggo Ruby, she sort of reminds me of one of my dogs in a way.


I already said I'd make sure the same species doesn't win consecutively again going forward, so please calm down.


@B.O.B. No use crying over spilled milk. :p


Shit I didn't mean for this to stir up anything, I know it's the nature of things and don't mind the cows as long as you are happy Man.


Dai monster, you don't belong in this world! Love ya Man ^^.