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Alright the sun's still shining and that means it's poll time. Thank you very much Ficfactor, nfreak, & Casey Hopkins for the ideas this month. Two of them are edits this time with the last one being a sequence, so here's the links for the ones that're edits. 

Erza the Scarlet Bunny https://youtu.be/KVMt09wtWnE

Gou the Scorbunny Girl  https://www.pokeflix.tv/video/23-mind-boggling-dynamax    18:04 to 18:09 and 18:17 to 18:20 and  18:27 to 18:30

Now onto last month's winner, as promised I've sketched out the Mym sequence and the colored version will be ready for next week's update. Since this was the first non animation related project to be decided on here, I figured I should start naming those too in the titles going forward. I don't see myself quitting sequences anytime soon since it gives me the chance to put more effort into a drawing when I'm not having to stress about animating it. For this and the next thing I worked on this week, the designs actually got really intricate, so as a bonus you can find the beta versions of certain steps in the sequences that I kept so I can refer to them when I lose track of which line's meant to be what.


For the next thing I was working on this week, here's a commission I'm doing based on the idea of Zoe/Izumi's Beast Spirit of Wind getting corrupted like how the Spirits of Darkness were in Digimon Frontier.


And finally, a little teaser for what's to come. I've been commissioned to do another animation edit, this time using a scene from the original Digimon Adventure. I'll be editing the scene so that Monzaemon beams Mimi earlier than in the original scene, which will cause her to inflate into a large balloongirl and float away. Check the clips below to see the scene in question.

And the backup link too for when the gif doesn't load. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AQ8OauHIpmLxCWRR6CfIMtCEDiF21Go4/view?usp=sharing



I’m loving the ideal’s for this month very nice also do you have a discord account so that people can chat with you hmm?