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Comment below your idea for this month's poll, whether it's a drawing sequence or animation, making sure to include a link to the clip in question if it's a rotoscope or an animation edit. Be sure to send me the footage too so if it wins I can add the animation to the schedule too. And also, if you have a preference for if you want the animation idea to be SFW or NSFW, include that with your description.  If you've got any other specific details you want included, be sure to mention those too. 



Coming back to give this another try, gonna re-post the stuff from the last thread I submitted on. I'll look into way to get the footage downloaded in the mean time. "Ok How about 18:02 to about 18:19 from this episode https://www.pokeflix.tv/video/23-mind-boggling-dynamax Same thing as before with a tf into a female scorbunny but gou instead of gloria. Have him still have a bit of his old hair style, same thing with the breasts as mention before (not too big but still visibly breasts). If you want to use dynamax sparks as the tf I'm fine with that (snorlax transforms via them earlier in the episode) NSFW, same thing with her wanting to screw scorbunny. Maybe edits to scorbunnies expression if possible to match the scene but that's up to you. IDK if the moving is gonna cause issues, was trying to find a good moment through out the episode to use as a clip and I feel like this may be the best one? Let me know if this is better/good to go. or any other aspects I should add, sorry for taking so long to arrive at this. " And also the thing you added: "The parts where Gou is moving as to give a clear view of the different parts of the background behind them should be usable for editing such as from 18:04 to 18:09 and 18:17 to 18:20, and then rather than edit Scorbunny's expression, what about using the reaction from 18:27 to 18:30?"


Awesome :D. I've downloaded the video as an mp4 ahead of time, but did you need it as a different file type?

Casey Hopkins

paimon becoming a thicc milf [(sequence) paimilf lol] sfw or nsfw


Just to be sure, do you mean Piedmon, Paimon from the Goetia, the version of Paimon from Hereditary, Paimon from Genshin Impact, Paimon from Magi, or a different Paimon from somewhere else?