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I was going to wait until later to post in case there were more questions, but this draft ended up being too long lol, so I'll share as is! If you would like me to do more like this just drop more questions in this post.

What kind of music do you like?

Ill put this question first so you can listen to some of this while you read!! Sorry in advance because its a lot...........

I think jazz or swing would mainly be what my favorite genres are! But I honestly don't know too much about music and such... Ill share some of my favorite artists/bands off the top of my head and link to some of my favorite songs of theirs!

Swing Holic albums are some of my favorites ever, Vol. 4 in particular is a stand out! Luna in Ritardando is fantastic, City on the Moon is super catchy... I like listening to GIRLFRIEND often when drawing Choko and Milk lol

Vol 2. is another great one, I love Border of Life, Twilight Rendezvous is what I imagine Krea might sound like! Even the lyrics fit her somewhat.... A-YA has a great singing voice!

I guess Krea is a good segway into Yu Tokiwa! Chocolate Philosophy is exactly what I imagine she sounds like. From what I know she mostly does music for Konami rhythm games. Someome put together all her songs into one album! Lots of variety, worth checking out!

Paris Match is so good! Most of their music puts me in such a good mood, its always a nice way to lift up my spirits. They have so many albums and remixes, if you end up liking what you hear youll be in for a good time! I love SUMMER BREEZE 

Continuing the trend of jazzy stuff, Orange Pekoe is another great one! tiny, baby is such a calming song... I like listening to it when I need to just take a break, its so relaxing but also has such a strong feeling to it.... if I get too into it I start tearing up lol.

Cloudberry Jam is one of my favorite bands, another example of having to buy a bunch of CDs online to be able to have the files lol. You cant go wrong with any of their albums, We Move Like We Are Dancing may be my favorite, I like Stay Close to your Dream a lot, been listening to it quite a lot recently... lyrics feel a bit relevant to life stuff!

Asako Nasu's voice is so calming and chill.... so is most of her music! Flannel is a personal favorite, I bought the CD single of it so I can get the MP3 on my phone lol. Romantic Road from the forget me not album is another that I love, has a much different tone to the other one! Much livelier. Unfortunately I cant find it in YouTube, so instead listen to flora!

Minuano and Lamp go hand in hand, considering that they share the same vocalist. Thankfully they have a Bandcamp!!!! So their work is very accesible, please support them directly if you enjoy what you listened! Love Logic is my favorite album, favorite song is 雨色日記.

The movie Metropolis from 2001 has a standout OST, the very first thing I did when I finished watching it was look for a download of the album lol, I've never done that with any movie before or since! My favorite track is Zone Rhapsody! There are so many other fantastic tracks, but you gotta listen to them within their context... music and visuals are so in sync!

Of course, I also like game and anime soundtracks lol. Currently completely addicted to the new One Piece opening, I have wasted a considerate ammount of time watching the intro over and over instead of you know, drawing......
The Film Red soundtrack was very good too! Where the Wind Blows still blows me away.

To wrap things up since it has gone for long enough lol some quick ones Bomberman Custom Battler, Bomberman 64, Pikmin 2, TriggerHeart Excelica, Pokemon SV, Mighty No. 9 all have good music check em out!!!!!

  • Why do you like Mega Man so much?

The short answer is its just a series I grew up with! lol

My dad had a PC with a bunch of arcade ROMs in it, so I was exposed to Capcom games at a very early age. Mega Man The Power Fighters was one of the first games I remember ever playing! Years later when the NT Warrior anime started airing I was slightly confused at how different the setting was in comparison to the arcade games, and then even more confusion once I found out about the X games lol, and when I got to finally own a game (Battle Network 5) I was even more puzzled as to why it wasn't a sidescroller like everything else.... but all that variety was a huge part of the appeal to me.

The sidescroller nature of it also meant it was easy to emulate, I played most of the games with a keyboard as a kid lol

Not knowing english and a lot of my experience being watching the cutscenes online (mostly for the PS2 X games) let my brain come up with a bunch of ideas on how everything fit together. In comparison to other series such as Mario, it had sooo much variation in character design, leading artists, music, tone and so on... its easy to get lost in it!

It always felt immensely creatively inspiring, in a way it feels like Pokemon, in the sense of there is more than likely something for everyone. There are like 9 Mega Mans or so, why shouldnt you be able to come up with another version of it? X has like 12 armors or so, its an open invitation for you to be able to add your own ideas!

  • What is the inspiration behind the funny little mogis

I have never liked drawing myself, and I don't really like using other characters as a stand in for me, since I don't want my thoughts and such change the way people perceive them, my characters their own people! So way back in highschool I tried to make a mascot of sorts, which looked like this, much cuter than the dead fish eye staring thing we have now...

People obviously kept calling it a cat lol even though it was supposed to be a dog... so I gave it the long ears to make that more clear, and the black tips so it didn't resemble Cinnamoroll too much lol. And once again they went into the backburner for ages because again... I don't enjoy putting myself too much out there, so they didn't get a lot of use.

Fast forward to post Patreon opening, I wanted to bring them back to finally use them as sonas to make little comics with, but as you can tell I barely use them for that lol!! Like most attempts, they end up becoming their own thing....

  • What made you a furry and what certainly got you into drawing them so nice

I've always liked furry art, more so kemono style than the more western stuff. All time favorites are Rikose and Kuroi Moyamoya!

As to why I didn't draw them until relatively recently.... I don't know lol. The closest has always been Krea who kept hanging on the line on whether she was a dog or a person for ages until she finally changed for good. With her changing into a furry other characters had to follow suit so she wouldn't be the only one, and we end up with current day Taifau Cafe/Chokoland!

I think since furry stuff is relatively niche I didn't find a lot of like, "reasons" to draw it? A lot of games, anime and manga that Id make fanart of didn't have furry characters, the closest being the whole animal ears and tails on humans, which I always liked, but again, I think I was more exposed to that than actual furry people...

Fast forward to opening up Patreon and Mia winning, it was a bit of an eye opener! I don't really enjoy drawing nudity, I find myself very bored painting the same skin tone with very little variety on colors or texture, that's why most of my pinups tend to be half clothed or so, its my way of compromising lol. But with furry characters that changes! I have a bunch of colors to work with, fur patterns and texture! So it made the whole R18 work way more enjoyable, so it was an incentive to keep doing furry work.

I got better just because I kept at it, some old dog Krea drawings look a bit weird now lol...

I think that at this point furry/kemono artists appeal to me the most because most of what they draw is original work since again, there's barely any stuff to make fanart of! People's own original ideas is what interests me most from other artists nowadays, so it all just clicked together. I've lost interest in so many artists because all they do is fanart... someone's style and skill is cool and all, but I enjoy seeing something more personal, what they're all about, you know?

  • How did you start playing Cave Story?

The Wii port had a free demo lol

  • Have u ever tried to get ur parents (specifically ur mom since uve talked about painting together) to make ocs? If so, would you ever plan to include them in your works (Taifau Cafe, etc)? Also, do u have a favorite food brand mascot?

No it has never ocurred to me.... my mom most of the time relies on reference than being able to come up with something on her own. I have thought about asking her to draw any of my characters to see what she does lol. We shall see....

I think Tony Tiger from the 50s is really cute!!!!!!! He had such nice shapes....

  • very simple question but do you prefer drawing digital or traditional? and if traditional, what materials do you like working with the most?

Traditional! Most of my work is digital just for the sake of ease of use, but nothing beats the tangibility of traditional in my opinion.... Every piece is unique! Full of texture and mistakes... I love seeing a complete piece.

I think I enjoy drawing with G pen nibs the most, the lines you can get out of it are so delicate and nice, the sound and texture of scratching the paper with it feels so nice... I really love how it feels to use it!

As for painting I guess it would be watercolors or inks, they're very easy to use! I need to use Copic markers more to have a better grasp on em...

  • Is there any subject or pose you dread drawing?

Any FFXIV, League of Legends, Guilty Gear Strive, modern techwear gacha type of character lmaoo.... I don't even find them appealing in the slightest, so they don't even have the "I can fix it" factor to em, but they're also a pain in the ass to draw with all their dumb details... And you cant just ignore them because unfortunately said details are the only things that make em stand out!

I also don't like drawing popular characters/subjects/trends at all. Most of the time I'm not even into whatever said thing is in the first place, but I also really dislike the expectation people have on you also having to draw it just because everyone else is doing it... Getting asked when Id draw Bowsette or Jack O pose but these mfers refusing to actually you know, commission it because everyone was doing it for free was very annoying!!!!!!!!!!!

As for poses I really cant think of too much... I'm very open to anything even if its hard since its an opportunity to learn! If I had to choose anything I don't wanna draw assholes I find it gross lol

And that's it for the first QnA session!!!!! If you want more just keep dropping more questions. Thank you for reading all of  this if you did!!



Jazz and swing are nice! I think I've listened to a little of Swing Holic before when going through a bunch of Touhou instrumental tracks. They're good! GIRLFRIEND was a cute track and I liked Paris Match too. I bookmarked the Yu Tokiwa album to listen to a little later. She has a nice voice for Krea! I enjoyed the other artists you posted as well, I'll be looking into each discography a little more soon. I had heard about the new One Piece opening being really good, but I'm watching through the series now so I wanna save it until I get there lol. Game music is always good too! The Bomberman 64 and Trigger Heart tracks were pretty chill. Some favorites for me growing up were Kirby Dreamland 3 and Kirby and the Crystal Shards OSTs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn6LJl1Gnm4). I listen to a pretty wide variety of stuff, alot of electronic music like progressive house or trance, but I also have some jazz and bossa nova albums in my library. You might like Hanatan. Her voice is really pretty and she has a wide range of sound. She has a really heartfelt piano single album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD_8Lvezz90 to a couple crazy experimental albums she collabed with Kikuo on called First Act and Second Act. This is First Act: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfHUUzqKlXc Love Solfege is a favorite group of mine and they have a bandcamp account too! Alot of their work is a mix of opera, pop and classical. sometimes leaning into one or the others more. This is my favorite track of theirs: https://lovesolfege.bandcamp.com/track/--23 and this is one of their 'best-of' compilation albums https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1fjUHQyecs Maybe you'd like them too!