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These characters belong to Jackjiggity, who once again I have to thank for his superhuman patience. I hope to be able to finish these this week :)

Last month was very rough for me: I had pneumonia, together with a mental health crisis, together with an awful toothache. What a mess... I was really bad in communicating what was going on more clearly and I really apologize for that.

Now that I can finally draw again, it's time to get to work on all the overdue art for the month of April. Thank you for your support, I'll work very hard this month to catch back on lost progress 💪




Pneumonia fuckin’ sucks, sorry you went through that. But I’m glad you’re feeling better!


♥️ Super glad to see you back Lyn ^^ But damn that must have been a truly awful last month for you. So i just want say if you don't feel healthy enough you don't have to push yourself forward. Take the time for yourself because your well-being is the most important part. So enough of my parental bla bla xD Take care and rock on we love you ♥️


Glad you're ok, and sorry that had to happen to you. Very happy you're back! ^v^