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Hey everyone! Putting this here in case someone hasn't seen the Twitter post - unfortunately I got very very sick this week, so I'll be taking some time off until the 7th of April to recover. Sorry about the wait, and take care of yourself! Infections are super high right now!

Here's the more detailed situation (CW for gross medical stuff):

I got sick earlier this week and since I tested negative for Covid I though it would only be a bad cold I could work through. Unfortunately, it seems like this sickness has turned into some sort of lung infection, because I can't really stand, I can't breathe really well and I'm just so brain foggy. What a mess!!

Treatment is going to take a while to arrive because all clinics are closed for Easter so I'll have to wait until after Easter Monday to get any prescriptions. So since in my start of the year plan I planned to take a week off at the start of April, I decided I'm going to take until at least the 7th to recover and take it easy. I'm really sorry for everyone who was waiting for their commissions and wing-it rewards, I will catch back on them after I'm back!

Thank you for your love and support, I'll keep you posted while I recover <3 Take care of yourselves and stay safe out there!



Healht goes first!!! So take your time and i hope you get well soon. And i wish you a happy Easter 😊♥️


I'd say, you should have more than a week then. your planned 1 week break + recovery time from sickness. I don't think it's fair to you to lose out on time meant to be spent decompressing after making so much art because you're unwell. Please take care of yourself, we'll be right here when you return ^-^


Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Hope you're doing okay, haven't heard from ya since this :<


Any updates? ;w;