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The most important update: I've pretty much recovered from COVID! I still have a lingering cough that is really disruptive in my day to day, but my energy levels are getting back to normal!

But here are the game-related updates I have for you:

  • I've brought on a design partner for Wandering Blades! Drew Quon is going to be designing the game with me. I'm keen on having another brain designing the game with me, and Drew's style of play is perfect for this project. 
  • I've found an artist! Leia Ham is a Chinese artist based in LA and they do INCREDIBLE work. They're keen on doing a wuxia project and have a style that perfectly matches what I've been looking for! They did an incredible wuxia reimagining of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings!
  • I'm bringing back design videos and will be uploading monthly breakdowns of my notebook as I work on Wandering Blades with Drew. These will be top-down videos giving you insight into my design ideas. We're also hoping to have a new quickstart (with a fancy cover) ready to go by the end of 2023! 
  • Lastly, Wicked Congregation, a solo RPG that you folks helped me make is a step closer to having a full print run! More details to come!



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