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Hey everyone! I have some good and bad news.

The good news? Wandering Blades and the campaign setting are progressing well!

While I wasn't able to formally playtest Wandering Blades at Big Bad Con, I was able to get A LOT of feedback on the system that I can't wait to add into the next version of the quickstart! The con itself was incredible and I even got to spend a lot of time with ED GREENWOOD himself during a mentorship event. He gave me a lot of feedback about worldbuilding practices that have really helped me focus the Land of Blades setting!

The bad news? I got COVID. 

My symptoms are currently manageable, but I'm definitely experiencing a lot of fatigue. I'll keep you folks updated.



Toni Kraja

So cool! <3

Jeremy Blum

Did you tell Ed Greenwood about Tapio I bet he could write some crazy Tapio lore