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Here we go! Enjoy this first ever quickstart guide for the Wandering Blades RPG! This is the document that I'll be bringing to Big Bad Con and I wanted you folks to see it first! 

The quickstart will walk you through character creation, combat, and includes a starting class - the youxia. 

A couple of things that are still a work in progress:

  • Item/gear costs
  • Weapon guard values and special features. Some of the weapons are incomplete. Liana and I are going to be working on those and likely adding a series of special features that can be added to weapons if you want to try making your own.  
  • Qi abilities. We will be working on adding at least 4 more qi abilities to the game ahead of Big Bad Con.
  • Classes. We are working on finalizing at least 3 more classes so folks can play as a group. The  youxia itself will have multiple schools with distinct martial arts techniques in future releases.
  • Character sheets. Unsurprisingly, this has been one of the most difficult parts of the design process so far. I'm going to likely have to hire someone to help me out with this.  



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