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My home D&D game ended and honestly, I'm all up in my feelings about it. Our game went for two years (weekly until the last few months) and was set in the Land of Blades. Our game ended due to scheduling conflicts - we had a member of the party cancel a whole bunch of times and another had sporadic attendance during the last few months. This caused other members of the group (myself included) to lose interest.

It was a great opportunity for me to work on the setting and to stay motivated. But gosh, after we ended this past week I've been so emotional about my setting. With some members cancelling/forgetting sessions, it was so difficult for me to stay motivated and put in the same level of prep for each session.

That's all. I just wanted to share this recent heartache with you folks. The setting lives on and will be coming out soon for you!

Stay awesome.

- Daniel


Toni Kraja

You are awesome

Jeremy Blum

Always hurts when this happens man. Sorry to hear about the pain - but on to bigger and better things! Recycle old plot threads, reinvent them later, let the wheel roll on. You got this