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This video shows some of the new features in development for the next version of Captain Hardcore! To read more about what we've been working on check out this post:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/april-update-on-36399631


Captain Hardcore - April Dev Update

Watch and share Captain Hardcore - April Dev Update GIFs by AntiZero on Gfycat



Hey can you work on oculus quest link cable compatibility please I want to play the full version but other headsets are sold out right now


I mentioned it in the Community tab, but can you add a slider option for innie/outie pussy? like no labida minora (only a slit) to a large labida minora (meat curtains) ?


Please update the oculus quest version with more features


What are your plans for voices? Any chance for a cumming frequency slider or way to adjust moaning?


Main reason why I got this was for the quest. More quest stuff pls :)


I haven't decided yet, but I think I'll come back to it once the AI system is more advanced and add more variety to the current voice, and maybe more voice types.


Definitely second this! I just came here to ask how progress is looking for more Quest stuff. Using it tethered is always an option of course and I get that it may not be a priority because of that, but there's something great about untethered play so would totally love some updates on that front!


I can’t start the game :( fatal error on quest with link


Ok 👌 all is fine :)


Any chance of a "how to" for some of the games features? Specifically the "attach" mechanic on quest version as I can't for the life of me get it to work. Ty


The attach mechanic isn't fully implemented yet. I think it works with toys, if you select one and press attach the laser goes blue, then press select on another object it should attach it.


Maybe a dumb question but this isn't gonna show up on steam right? Im all for embracing my degeneracy but this still isn't exactly something i want my sister to know im playing


Two things: Need a toggle to switch the control scheme between hands so everything is accessible one-handed. Double clicking the thumbstick would be good. Second thing, is we need handcuffs. Third thing is model sweat attribute. I like my girls glistening with sweat.


Second thing is handcuffs. Third thing is model sweat attributes. I like my girls sweaty.

Peter Griffin

How many Vive trackers are supported? I'd like to use 3 trackers for full body tracking, and 1 tracker for fleshlight.


Currently just one for the fleshlight, it would be great if I can add more though. Where do you place the other trackers? Waist and feet?