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Дорогие друзья, только я записал разговор с Владимиром Крамником, 14-м чемпионом мира по шахматам и моим давним собеседником. Мы начали цикл бесед на тему Библии.

Сегодня многие не читают Святое Писание. А если начинают читать, то сталкиваются со многими сложными и практически неразрешимыми вопросами. Владимир написал мне свои вопросы по чтению Евангелий, а я предложил записать на видео цикл таких бесед-разборов. 

Идея проста: современный критически мыслящий человек открывает Библию. Начинает читать. Пытается разобраться в тексте. Сталкивается с вопросами и непониманием. Как со всем этим разобраться? Как читать Библию? Где находить ответы на свои вопросы? 

Тогда мы и решили, что наши ежемесячные беседы могут быть такой практикой, помогающей нам двоим и другим людям (тем, кому это может быть интересно). 

На своем канале я размещу это видео только во вторник. А вам я предлагаю посмотреть его уже сейчас. 

Думаю, у вас будут возникать свои вопросы. На которые я буду пытаться давать ответы в меру моих знаний и сил)))




Anton Bashkaev

Ещё один вариант к вашему недавнему обсуждению строфы «Блаженны нищие духом» от нового проекта DailyWire «Biblical Series»: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxkL91cBM04CHD8QAp_Lh2QqdZsh_GUOk7


"5075. After these words. That this signifies after the things which precede, is evident from the signification of "words," in the original language, as being things; here therefore "after these words" means after these things, thus after the things which precede. That "words," in the original language signify things also, is because "words," in the internal sense signify truths of doctrine; and therefore all Divine truth in general is called the "Word," and the Lord Himself, from whom comes all Divine truth, is in the supreme sense the "Word" (n. 1288). And because nothing that exists in the universe is anything, that is, is a real thing, unless it is from Divine good by Divine truth, therefore "words" in the Hebrew language mean things also. That nothing in the universe is anything, that is, a real thing, unless it is from Divine good by Divine truth, that is, by the "Word," is plain in John: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made (John 1:1, 3). [2] The interior significations of expressions for the most part originate in the interior man, which is among spirits and angels; for every man as to his spirit, or as to that very man which lives after the decease of the body, is in company with angels and spirits, although the external man is not aware of this; and because he is in company with them, he is also with them in the universal language, and thus in the origins of words. Hence there are imparted to words many significations which in the external form appear out of agreement, although in the internal form they are entirely in agreement-as here, that "words" signify things. It is the same in a host of cases, as that the understanding is called the inward "sight," light being attributed to it; that attention and obedience are called "hearing" and "hearkening;" that the perception of a thing is called "smelling;" and so forth." (AC 5075) "...It is believed by most people that the Word, or Divine truth, is only speech from Jehovah, and a command that it be so done, and nothing further; but it is the very Essential, from which and by which are all things. That being [Esse] which proceeds from Him, and consequently the coming forth [existere] of all things, is what is meant by "Divine truth." This can be illustrated from the angels; from whom there proceeds a sphere of charity and faith that is sensibly perceived, and that also produces wonderful effects; from which some idea can be formed of the Divine truth that proceeds from the Divine good of the Lord." (AC 7678) "And because the divine truth proceeding from the Lord, as from the sun in heaven, is the light there, and the divine good is the warmth there; and because all things there exist from these, just as everything in the world exists from light and warmth, which are also in their own essential substances and act through them; and because the natural world comes into being through heaven or the spiritual world; it is clear that all things which have been created were created from the divine truth, and so from the Word, according to these words from John: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and through it* all things were made that were made; and THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH; John 1: 1-3, 14 and 2803, 2894, 5272, 7850." (WH 14)