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Hi everyone, just wanted to announce that we're expanding around here! There's now a new tier available - 'Full Gameplay Package'.

Gameplay is such an area of subjectivity and I want to be sensitive to the different feedback I receive, so I'm doing my best to provide people with more options as I can.

If you're happy with the official version of the mod made with my vision, then there's no need for this tier - but if you're wanting some additional options, variety and customisation then give it a go!

For those wanting to join, you will still receive access to my official gameplay mod (made with my vision), but you will also receive exclusive access to a large and always expanding variety of additional options and variations - all to help you customise your own realistic gameplay experience.

For example, there’s a version v13.5 which includes a slower, weightier and overall 'smoother' animations/movements systemfrom the previous versions before V14 - as I know there is a demand for that type of gameplay as well.

Edit: Here's a video of V13.5 in action - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwhSe68HEjU

There's also a V13.75, which includes the speed variations of V14, but remains more grounded in other areas such as dribbling and physicality. I'm actually really enjoying playing this version right now also.

Also in the package is a V14 designed to be slightly easier and for shorter half lengths, other V14 variations and pass isolation options.

You can also make suggestions to me regarding a gameplay variation to be included in this tier and I’ll take it into account for future additions.

The options and variety in this tier will continue to grow and expand.

No need to be confused either guys, if you're curious give them a run and see what works best for you. If there's one thing I've learned since I started gameplay modding, it's that no one gameplay is ever going to suit absolutely everybody. There's simply too many variations in how people see the game, and how the play. Something as simple as half lengths can totally change your expectations for gameplay for example.

In a world where football gaming isn’t suited towards realism, I’m doing what I can to get us our footballing simulation fix!!

You can upgrade here - 


Thanks everyone!

Ps: If you're entirely new to my mods, then have a read in the 'About' section for more information about what you can expect!


millos sobek

This is really awesome!! :)

David Scott

loving 13.75 slow, proper midfield battles and the pc are scoring so many different kind of goals, hard but fair.