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Hey everyone - welcome to the new tier!!

The aim of this tier is provide more additions and options to your gameplay experience. The options and variety here will continue to grow and expand.

Gameplay is such an area of subjectivity and I want to be sensitive to the different feedback I receive, so I'm doing my best to provide people with more options as I can.

This is the first release of the FULL gameplay package!

Here you will find exclusive access to a range of different versions of my gameplay mod. 

The official version is included of course, as well as different versions such as V13.5 (which maintains the old base and slower pace of previous versions before V14) , V13.75 and a variety of V14 options, including pass speed isolations. Go through and read all of the READ ME files in each folder to gain a better understanding about each option.

I recommend V14 normal version, but feel free to give the others a try and see what suits your needs best.

If you have some specific feedback or suggestions please let me know and I'll take it into account for future versions :)

No need to be confused either guys, if you're curious give them a run and see what works best for you. If there's one thing I've learned since I started gameplay modding, it's that no one gameplay is ever going to suit absolutely everybody. There's simply too many variations in how people see the game, and how the play. Something as simple as half lengths can totally change your expectations for gameplay for example.

Thanks so much for your support everyone. In a world where football gaming isn't suited towards realism, I'm doing what I can to get us our football simulation fix!!

Ps: If you're new here, make sure you read the .READ ME.txt inside the OFFICIAL version of the mod, for a list of all necessary settings etc :) 

- Anth


millos sobek

The variety of gameplays is really amazing, great work bro!! :) :)

millos sobek

I love the fact that gameplay is subjective, and you present so many options! Personally, I am REALLY enjoying "Anth James' Sim_GP_SLOW_V14 #TU8 - Default Walk Speed and Walk Acceleration"! So many options for different tastes! :)