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This week I mostly just worked on commissions, but I finished all of them within my self-imposed deadline, and now I'm knee deep in making the November issue of the Endless Monday Monthly. I'm also juggling a new super secret project (will let you guys know soon when it's shareable) and a halloween collab I agreed to that I need to finish soon. All this work! I'm just happy to be busy during my sabbatical with stuff I actually like doing.

Making the zine has made me appreciate putting weeks of time and effort into a thing and releasing a finished product that I can be proud of instead of posting half-hearted garbage every 2 days on Twitter and feeling bad about it. The side effect, though, is that I'm nowhere near as active as I used to be on social media, which means people forget I exist. Except for the mega fans who keep buying my zines every month, and you, of course :)

There's a lot to be cranky about right now, but for my own sanity I'm ignoring it all and focusing on my own little circle of existence. I have a lot of other stuff to do besides get mad at things on the internet.

Have a great weekend! Thanks for your support!


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