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This was one of the requests way back in the January request theme! (I ended up doing a few bonus illustrations, completed this for Fanime in general)

I'm currently putting together the next From Scratch book (From Scratch 5) with the theme of ipad drawings and sketches- which turns out to be a lot of them now, since I often involve my ipad in my illustration process a lot, and have a lot of WIPs /  incomplete pieces that I'd like to share as well.

As such, I've been going through a lot of the files. While this month's poll is running, I figure I should share this at least !

For now, gonna dive back into file this file juggling labyrinth! Gotta get it done by the end of this week to be on time for Anime Expo~




Very nice ❤️


From Scratch 5 money.


That Bulma looks straight out of a Metal Slug game and I wonder why SNK never hired Toriyama.


Damn, Alex, I just watched mad max


Omg i never thought this would happend! Two of my beloved things tegether, Bulma X Alex! ❤️ Infinite thanks man!


Come on ill give you romance~


Ahah I can totally imagine Marco and Tarma in Dragon Ball / Dr. Slump style hell Fio and Eri too, would be a fun thing to see a Metal Slug OAV or something in Toriyama style. But yea Dragon Ball era Toriyama mechanics, vehicles, and fashion are always fun to see :9


I'm excited to see how the book turns out! It's off to the printers now, basically~


Ahaha nice, man Fury Road is such a good, basically perfect movie :9


Aw, thanks !!! It was literally your request~! Bulma is fun to draw, so I definitely was meaning to do it, just had to find time for it~ glad to be able to fulfill that! m(_)m


HEAD CHA LAAA oop haha but yes, classic song- ah Dragon Ball has a charm of its own :0