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It's a pretty wild time for fighting games in general, so I figured it'd be a fun theme for this month.

Went a bit crazy with the choices for this poll, even slightly extended the poll image length for it haha!

(Incidentally, I had apparently hit the cap of poll choices too, but it seemed like it'd be funny to put the most obscure ones in this list as one collective choice)

[Also I know that Reiko is kind of stretching the definition here, but I wanted to put her in anyway haha]

This is the Visionary version of the poll! It has the most voting power, and Visionary will have access to the other polls as well. Multiple choice allowed both within your own poll, and if you have access to the other polls as well!

The poll will run until Wednesday, June 7 1PM PST!

Let's Go !!


D. A. Campisi

Why no Mileena? Or Felicia? T_T


Baiken supremacy


I might stealth put in Mileena into the Kitana and/or Sonya choice or Felicia into a Darkstalkers one ! (Actually tbh I may do a Darkstalkers specific poll again some day haha) Partial motivation of the choices here happen to be characters I have WIPs of, though actually I DO have sketches I've been meaning to make into stickers for all of them. If any of the Darkstalkers choices win, I'll lean into getting more of those done yesss~


Ohoh~ I have some WIPs of her I'd love to get around to finishing !


My obscure vote for Arina lol


Yesss! Waku Waku is such a charming gem. Love that Arina's theme has lyrics, extra special haha


Had to vote my mains, but legit excited for whichever's coming -- it's gonna be good no matter what.


Ohohoh nice nice, glad that your mains are on here ! But yea, I'm always fascinated by poll results, but would be satisfied with any outcome :0