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Thank you to everyone who voted on the poll, it looks like a continuation of this month's poll will be next month's topic!

Incidentally, I was hoping to have had the Juri pic variations/full post ready by today, but I wanted to make at least one more post before the month ended-

I might as well continue showing a more in depth post of each character choice for the next poll, this time of one of the OC choices: 

Brave Buster Maylgeiz, magical bikini armor heroine, who eventually becomes the gazer-lady boss gal of the dungeon in Sword Slime. Her stories during her heroine days were stuffed full of danger, peril, and all sorts of misadventures.

I think in terms of OC entries, Brave Buster Maylgeiz and Frauleinstein might end up being the ones with the most potential choices- she is pretty fun / simple to draw, and a magic setting is pretty open ended. 

There are more than 30 images I wanted to share, so check out the zip file for the full set~

That being said, stay tuned to see more of the WIP/previews of the other entries for the poll coming up soon~!




Why do I imagine some of the girls from Skullgirls in these particular situations


ah, I suppose Double lends herself well to this type of stuff and/or maybe some of the things Eliza does aha


A lot of cool designs here.


I would imagine Double and Eliza doing this whenever they’re bored, especially Eliza when she captured both Miss Fortune and Filia… I think I have gave you an idea didn’t I?


I'd play a game with her


haha, it sounds more like you gave yourself an idea there ! but yea, I was mostly just trying to see why it'd remind you of Skullgirls


Thanks! I'm glad you like the designs! Aside from the lewd of course, I'd like for that to also be an element that'd work well m(_)m


Thanks! I'd definitely like to explore this idea further in some way


That would be fun, she certainly lends herself well to particular genres!


I love magical transforming heroines!! It's so cool to see your own version of this!


Thanks! It's funny, it's like the backstory to one of the supporting characters for another idea, but I really enjoyed drawing her / thinking about that backstory as well, so ended up drawing more of her in general. I'll keep poking at this idea as well. Glad you like it!