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 love an excuse for dumb puns and/or alliterations, and I ended up with a few choices for September's illustration poll.

I figure while I get a few more posts ready before August ends, that I could run a sort of pre-poll to see which of these choices would you like to see for September's poll~!

I'll run this poll till Tuesday! m(_)m



Dont like these new idols, but would like to see you take on the older ones!


oho I should perhaps do a DBZ-themed poll some time ! Or just any excuse for Bulma one way or another oho~


I'd definitely still want to try Deep Cut some time ! I still think they look fun, but yea Marina is always extra amazing haha, I do have some images of the other idols online, and moreso on Patreon here~


I should find an excuse to draw more Bulma anyway- I'll fit that in somehow!