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Since this is one of the games I worked the most in, it's the one I have a lot of content.

On the previous part I showed the design of the main character and antagonist.

Here are more cast designs:

These are the sketches for four more characters.

The first one (the blond guy in glasses) didn't get past this part. The cast was growing too big and I needed to cut it down, and he was the one I wasn't sure how to write... also it seems I didn't even think of a name for him, because the sketch says nothing.

Just like with the other characters, here is a second sketch I did at some point, redesigning some things.

Tokenner™ Evil Warrior with the Power of Being Here

This is Tokenner's original design. I was pretty pleased by it, but when I redesigned the other characters, his design felt that it needed a touch up to help it belong.

The new version was shinier and more colorful.
His mace is basically lifted from an 80s action figure and the sharp blades were replaced by spikes with rounded tips (for safety issues).

Tokenner was the only of the bad guys that I wrote as a chill person that wasn't evil.
His name is based on the concept of a token character. (A concept I saw/stole from South Park).

His path had writing issues and it was really difficult, mostly because I made a lot of obtuse choices that would lead to him losing his respect for the main character.

Still, he is probably my favorite design of this game.

Hon-Orr™ Hero for Decency and Clean Living

Our Saturday Morning Cartoon hero.

Your typical barbarian in a loincloth. I gave him black hair to separate him from the classic hero.

When it came to the redesign I just added some gold details to the armor and aged up his face and exaggerated the muscles a bit.

It made sense for the story to have what would usually be the main hero show up.

His main path didn't lead to sex, since he is the champion of decency.
I had thought of having another path for him, where the main character would be able to change his mind, but it was the first thing I cut from the game.

I think it has to do with me not caring that much about abs.

Molestor™ Machiavellian Marauder Moleman

By the time I added him, I had already redesigned the other characters I already showed.

There isn't much to say about him. He was meant to be a bit lecherous and into bondage.
The character is mostly designed to look a bit creepy and at some point I think he had a whip, but I decided to give him a clawed gauntlet instead.

The more I look at him, the more I think I was thinking about Thanos when I colored his uniform.

There is a bit more left about this game, which I will post later.

I'm really grateful for your responses and opinions.




That bulkier beastman... mmm... yum...