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First of all: this is an EXPERIMENTAL tool and something I hope most people here can just ignore.

What is it for?

The tool is for exporting (and importing) the saves of the Magical Battler game.
This way data can be backed up when moving through different browsers.

How it works: 

For exporting it's easy. You just pick the save slot you want, and it downloads it.
I'd recommend having the game in a different tab to make sure you are picking correctly.

Importing the saves back is the tricky part.
Due to how the engine works, I can't add a new slot without touching settings that might break the whole thing, so instead it REPLACES a current slot.

So, you'd have to go to the game and create a save in a slot, then go to the import tool and replace that new save with the file you backed up.

This means that you can lose a save game if you pick the wrong slot.
The process cannot be undone so I would advice against using it without making sure that you are picking the right save slot.

Here is the link:


Have a nice weekend everyone!

Tons of hugs


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