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Howdy everyone! To everyone else who had to return to work this week, I hope the transition back was smooth. Mine was okay, though I still wish I could sleep in until 10.

I decided to go back and edit the intro of chapter 3-V as I felt that the transition from the last chapter was rather weak. I also added an additional mandatory scene with Dorian before you are allowed to rest in the coffin to proceed. As it stands, he has very few worthwhile lines in the story, similar to Amber, pre-chapter 3 in the main route. He will be getting more presence in the story as it goes on.

I’ve also made an adjustment to sparring with Ophelia. For balance purposes, I’ve added a level cap for training. What this means is if you surpass a certain level while you are at a point in the story where it would be too high, you will no longer be able to train with Ophelia for BP. In chapter 1-V for example, the level cap would be 15. If you pass that, Ophelia will say she’s tired, until you proceed to the next story segment.

I’ve also added in a bit more for the new Slime Queen side quest. I added her cave somewhere in the world and I've also finished her sprite and character portraits. This Slime Queen’s name is Oozora.

I added a bit more weight to her design. I think it better distinguishes her as a Queen compared to the other slimegirls. I went for a motherly, caring look. As for her personality, well, she certainly has that going for her… as well as a few other traits some may see as… concerning. I have all of Oozora's character portraits available as a preview for my $5 and up Patrons. Check ‘em out, if you wish.

I’ve still got plenty to do, so I’m going to get right back to work! Until next time everyone!



"He will be getting more presence in the story as it goes on." - Boooh! Boo this man!


Oooo I’m liking Oozora!