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Today’s my last official vacation day and it’s time to return to the daily grind of my day job tomorrow. Pretty satisfied with it overall. I got a good balance of work done on Crimson Veil as well as time with my friends/family and a few games off the old backlog. For this upcoming week, I need to start focusing on scripting more scenes since I’ve only really got the first one down pat. My game dev time has been mainly dedicated to art. In a sense, this is great because I get so many character ideas when working on the various character expressions. It helps me to better visualize key moments in the story or even come up with some on the spot. This week I can share with you a preview of a side quest I debated adding in later, but was so inspired I decided to throw it in now.

So, some of you who have followed the previous updates may have noticed something odd when viewing the preview of the northern overworld map. The slime cave on the eastern side has been surrounded by snow. Indeed, over the years the slime cavern has been snowed in and is a shadow of its former self. The place is littered with frozen Slimegirls.

Even the local slime rancher doesn’t know what to do. The man’s business is starting to run thin unless he can find a way to get the Slimegirls in the area resistant to the cold. To do that, he’ll need to find an item only ever carried by a Slime Queen. Too bad there hasn’t been a Slime Queen in the region for years… or has there?

You’ll be tasked with looking for the elusive Slime Queen to restore the rancher’s fading business. But, will Mila become a part of the slime collective instead…? Look forward to future updates. I can’t wait to share more of this character with you all.

That’s all I have for you this week. Until next time, everyone! Here’s to the start of a great new year!


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