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Happy Sunday, everyone! I hope you’re all well!

One of the characters I’ve felt disappointed by design-wise for a long time is Dorian. I don’t consider myself very good at drawing male characters, so I rarely draw them. However, after drawing Alvin for the last update, I decided it was time that Dorian got a refresh to his design. Check out the comparison below!

Similar to how I updated Amber a few years ago, I’ve updated Dorian and fixed some of the issues I had with his design, particularly his pose. I also fixed up his hair and suit a bit. Let me know what you think of this new design. Do you think it improves on the original? Is there anything I should fix before I finalize the design? I’m still tweaking the expressions, so feedback is certainly appreciated.

Onto some more art news, I’ve got 2 sketches ready here. One for Ophelia and the other for Bianca!

These will be unlocked in-game once you have reached maximum affinity with the two girls, obviously.

Lastly, I want to announce that I have commissioned Jun Harvel on twitter to make an adaptation of Bianca’s Diary as a mini doujin. It will be a 9 page comic and once it’s done, I will be releasing it publicly for free! Check out some of the rough sketches of the comic below.

I’ve enjoyed Jun’s work for some time, so I’m glad to have the opportunity to have him work on this. I’m very excited to see the final result, I hope you are too!

That’s all I have for you this week. Until next time, everyone!


Alexander Bertelli

Dorians hair and face are definitely improved. Something about the new pose seems less. I think the new pose he has might be too squared up. It gives off a more thuggish brute kind of vibe. Where as old pose seemed more casual. I hope that makes sense.


No, I do see what you mean. He is a bit wide. If I’m being honest, I rushed the preview to get it done for this update, so I think I’m going to tweak his proportions a bit.

Alexander Bertelli

If I look at it I think it the new shoulders. The old ones are round the new ones look like he is wearing shoulder pads.


It’s a suit that’s cut to accentuate broad shoulders. I wanted to make him seem powerful at a glance when the player first meets him, which is also why I made him a bit wider.