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How’s everyone doing this week?

As for me, I was really in the mood to color Sigrun this week and tweak some small things in her design, such as her face. Her eyes were previously too big, and while I found them kind of cute, it didn’t really fit the personality I was going for.

She won’t be showing up in the game until the following update, but I still wanted to share the flat colors with you all anyway. I’ve been experimenting with shiny and blushed skin with my characters lately. I really like the effect it has on characters with relatively pale skin, such as Sigrun. This is the first time I’ve tried adding some blush to ears and I like it's subtle effect. Skin texture is an area in my art where I’d like to improve the most, since I tend to hyper focus on it, when looking at other artists' work.

As for Besilly Cathedral, I decided I wanted to expand on this older area. Since I did pretty much all I could do with this place in the main route, I decided to create a new area and expand the lore of the cathedral itself.

You’ll start off by entering the cathedral through the previously inaccessible second floor. From here you can get a quick view of the familiar church below.

But below the cathedral lies a large underground sewer known as Blutig Waterway. The waterway harbors an inner sanctum, a place where holy ones can meditate to restore their light powers and where many ancient rituals once took place. There are many dark secrets within this place that members of the clergy have taken to their graves.

The origin of this place dates back centuries and is the birthplace of the local town’s bloody superstitions…

I hope this small taste of the next update has piqued your interest! Until next time, everyone!



so, i'm guessing with the name you wanted to go for the german version of "Bloody Waterway"... first, that sounds really weird if you mix german and english like that, second it would be "blutiger" in german (and yes, i am german). I would advise to reconsider the name, it really just doesnt work mixed like that... Unless of course i'm mistaken and it's just coincidence that it sounds like a german word


Fair point. Yes, bloody was what I was going for, but honestly Blutig rolls off the tongue better, at least in my opinion. It may be incorrect, but I've already got a ton of German inspired words and names in the game that are probably being used incorrectly. I'm just going to go with what I think sounds better.

Alexander Bertelli

So... are we going to play is she an elf or a moderately disguised vampire?


Sigrun is not a vampire. Her race is one that hasn’t been introduced into the game yet.