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Happy Sunday, everyone!

This week has been all sorts of complicated. We need to fumigate the house due to a pest issue and my home is currently upside down. It’s been a mission for me to find the time to sit down and rest, let alone draw. Thankfully this should all be resolved by Wednesday. Then I have to do all the cleanup that comes with these sort of house treatments. Not looking forward to that…

However, I did manage to finish something before this update went live! Here’s a look at the newest contract’s central character, Seraphina!

I tried to give her a cold, conniving look. Could she be a yandere character? It certainly feels like she could be. Her outfit is more explicit than Clara and Lily’s from way back in the earlier updates. Exploring her character should be a fun exercise.

In other news, I also finished Bianca’s new design! I’ve got a small teaser for you here, but you can check out all 8 of her expressions now, if you’re a $5+ Patron.

I’m very satisfied with how her outfit turned out. I wanted to give her a design that reflects how far she’s come from spending time with Mila and learning about herself. She’s more confident and self-assured, but there’s still that cute, wholesome side to her. That innocent side of Bianca is part of what makes her likable and I felt it was important to show that in her expressions. I have something special planned for one of Bianca’s scenes, so I hope her fans are excited!

That’s all have to share with you this week. Until next time, everyone!


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