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A few bugs from the most recent version had been nagging at me, so this week I attempted to address them. The first, was Aeriseth's boss fight in the casino not working as intended. This error came about from me thinking I had a redundant common event in the data base and overwriting it with the new Blackjack NPC within the casino. This is why you don't mess with code you haven't touched in years, folks. Thankfully, I had a back up of the original event on my old laptop and I'm happy to say the event has been restored to normal. I even spent a good amount of time getting my ass kicked in Blackjack to ensure the scene played out properly, as well as the other encounters with her afterward.

The second bug has been a bit trickier to find a solution to. Some have reported the game's graphics freezing while the game seemingly continues to run in the background. There's no concrete trigger for it and it can cause a player to lose progress, so it's quite frustrating. I've read a few RPG Maker devs run into this issue and I've run into it myself on occasion. I've seen answers range from it being a driver issue, to vsync issue, but nothing so far seems conclusive. This is a bug I have a pin on and if any of you know of a solution or where to point me towards, I'd love to hear it. Until then, I'll keep on digging.

Onto one of the smaller tasks done this week, some updated graphics for enemy types.

Human Maids can be encountered and corrupted into vampires and ghouls. The same goes for the armored soldier enemies, which will appear during the "Countess in Crimson" side quest. The maid's sprite graphics have been updated to show her bright new emerald colored eyes. The maids won't put up much of a fight, but the soldiers will be a challenge to defeat!

And lastly I was doing some supplemental writing to flesh out some character backstories. I'm tracking it all in a notebook so I don't miss anything. Some of these details I'm writing now may not be shown for a while, but one of the characters you will be able to interact and learn about is Vicilla. She will added as a new Pet in the latest update and you'll be able to view a new illustration of her once you build up bond with Mila. Here's a quick teaser:

All my Tier 2 and up Patrons can view the full image now if they like.

That's all I have to share with you this week. Until next time, everyone!


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