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This past week, one of my testers got to streaming the game privately with me. It's always insightful to view someone's blind playthrough (It can also be infuriating when they get stuck on a puzzle or get distracted at the casino). Needless to say, we've already caught a few glitches here and there with the latest release. Thankfully nothing crazy. 

I've nearly finished one art piece, but it's not ready for a preview. I feel pretty bad about not releasing anything especially since it's the day before Halloween. So, for this weekly update, I thought I'd share something a bit different! I'm going to be re-releasing a Sims 3 comic for you all to view!

I made this about 10 years ago and people who have been following me before Patreon may have already seen this. This comic is like the precursor to Crimson Veil. Many names and ideas are lifted from this short comic series. The later chapters also include divergent "Bad Ends". Like the game, this comic has a focus on vampire corruption, but there are a few other monster girls added into the mix. There are 8 chapters total plus an epilogue chapter. I will be sharing the first chapter publicly through Patreon for everyone to view.  

The remaining chapters can be conveniently downloaded for your viewing pleasure by becoming a $5 and up patron! If you are curious and would like to support me at the same time, please consider checking out this very early version of Crimson Veil!

Additionally, If you all are interested in this Sims content, please let me know! I used to make these all the time and I have a few more that I can share with you in the future. It's not directly tied to Crimson Veil, but I feel that people who support my content would be interested in seeing it. 

Anyway, that's all I have for today! Until next week everyone!


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