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I hit a MAJOR milestone yesterday! The main campaign is now fully playable, start to finish! I just finished creating the final scenes, from the last boss all the way to the end credits. Had to take a big swig after that just to celebrate! Today, I have sent out a playable beta out to my testers, giving them much more time than usual to find anything that I missed that can be cleaned up before release.

Now, my focus will be on the art, which as I've stated previously is the reason for the delay to December. I also need to write the bad endings, which I deliberately waited until I finished everything else to start on. I need to be in the right mind set to write these endings, which for obvious reasons, are tonally different from the main plot. 

There isn't much left for me to share before release at this point. I predict the next few weekly updates will be fairly brief, with fewer images to share. I remember saying that at the start of this update's news cycle, but I ended up having way more to share than I thought I would. I think this time, I really have gotten close to exhausting all that I can really share. But, just hold on for a bit longer! We're nearly there! I am SO excited to unveil this update, more so than any previous release! It really is a culmination of everything I've learned while working on this project as a game developer and a storyteller! I'm very proud that the main story of Crimson Veil, is now complete!

Until next week, everyone!


chris leiterman

I guess now that main story is compete, then perhaps we might see contract mission submission contests again. That or that contract missions & character commissions will be open. That or a new game could eventually be in the works.


More side quests and stories. Heck, even I'm willing to write one.