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Hello again everyone! I hope you're all doing well! Here's my weekly progress report for you! 

My focus for this week was to completely script the Theater of Inevitability. Not an insignificant task... But this week, it finally got done (Save for the newest endings which have not yet been finalized)!

I forget if I mentioned it before, but you can view scenes from the main route, vampire route, extended vampire bad ending, and Bianca's bad endings. In total, there are over 80 scenes currently available in the theater mode! For returning players and fans of lewd content, this feature is an absolute game changer. If you are a patron with access to the developer room, you can access this feature at any point in the game, though saving before watching a scene is highly recommended. This feature is meant to be used once the main game is complete, and even though you can access it whenever you want, accessing certain scenes at particular points in the game could cause a soft-lock. A friendly reminder of this will also be presented in-game. Consider the release of this feature to be a beta until I can get a more extensive error report from all of your play testing.

…And for any players who had been thinking that this update was going to be too big and confusing to navigate, here is a feature that should help. This is what the in-game map screen looks like!

This is the map of the first area, Entry to Entropy. This area's map is a great example of the information that the legend provides. Specific locked doors are indicated as well as false memory locations if you wish to challenge them. Blue specifically indicates treasure chests, but there are still smaller items to grab within barrels and vases. 

Each area has it's own map to find. Each page you collect will be added to the list when you use Castle Map key item from the menu.

Now, to be real with all of you for a moment, the past two weeks have been crazy busy at my day job. It feels like my self imposed deadline is getting closer and I still have many things to do. God, I really wish there were more hours in the day. I'm doing my best to balance out life and work..

BUT, I am determined to release this update by the end of next month. As you can see with my recent showings, this will be the most ambitious update I have ever released. I have a lot of character art that I am dying to show you, but trust me when I say it will better in the context of the game.

Okay, that's all I have to share with you this week. Until next time, everyone!



i'd rather you take the time to get it done the right way than to kill yourself pushing it out at some random, self-imposed deadline.

chris leiterman

I definitely think you should take your time. Plus its not like the game's replay value isn't enjoyable. Especially since sometimes its fun seeing if a run could be done better/faster if not go through certain bad ends over and over. Won't deny that I'm curious if there will me more submission missions in future to submit and vote for if not commissionable missions (example; some missions, if not possible acts, that could be paid to add to game.) Plus depending on if you do commission art work those characters could be added to the game in some way (example; a character commissioned could be placed as a store owner, merchant, servant, mission giver, ect.).