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More character portraits have been completed this week. Villagers are all done and all of Eve's expressions are done, including her turned form.

Here are some more character portrait previews. First off is Vicilla, the berserker.

Secondly, we have Petra, the Lycanthrope.

Now that all of the villagers are done, the next task I plan on tackling is the different vampire hunter designs as well as updating the bite scene art to include those new styles. Unfortunately, I still have not gotten around to drawing any scene illustrations for this update. There's many that I want to include and I don't want to cut any corners with the art in this update. 

On that note, I previously stated that I wanted to release this update before the end of the year. Unfortunately, with my currently day job and the upcoming holidays, my schedule is becoming tight on time, so I am moving back the release of this update to early next year.  I apologize to anyone disappointed by this news, but I believe rushing the update to meet a nearly impossible deadline is a bad idea.

Those of you looking forward to an update on the vampire route have been waiting patiently, so I want to deliver something worthwhile. I'll likely be sharing art in the next few updates as that is what I will be focusing on for the following weeks. Scenario work is still early on and I'm coming up with more ideas that I want to add in. Once more art is at least sketched out, I'll feel comfortable working on the game proper.


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