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This week my full focus was on art as there is still a tremendous amount that needs to get done. My focus for the upcoming week will remain the same as I need to finalize the digital versions of the sketches I previewed recently and I still need to draw the bite scenes. For now, here is some of the work I completed this week:

As I stated last week, there are 6 different villager designs. Each one of them will have a human, vampire and ghoul design as shown in these examples.

One character that is nearly complete however, is Eve. All that remains is a few expressions and of course, her inevitable vampire form. I had to shorten the length of her sword so that her character profile wouldn't take up so much room in game!

I'll be sharing some more art next week, so I hope you look forward to that!


Leith P

Playing the game now and find it fun, I also finding it annoying that opponents get two attacks in for my single attack.. Was fighting a no name npc, and they killed Mila quicker than I could kill them..


I assume you are playing the vampire route and a vampire hunter was the one that killed you?


Be sure to check out tomorrow’s update ;)