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The walkthrough is now updated to version 3.1.1 and is available to view. I've been brainstorming some ideas here and there for the next update and honestly, I haven't landed on any concrete ideas. I see in my head characters and scenes I want to add, but not a way for them to mesh cohesively. I've also been suffering a bit of artist block this week, with my sketches coming out as unsatisfyingly gross interpretations of the characters I see in my head. I've scrapped a few drawings this week, which is frustrating. I seem to often fall into this rut in between updates. 

If I can share some early idea concepts, I was thinking of adding to the next update (which is a continuation of the vampire route, for those unaware) a lycan girl character and a returning character(s) from the main route now as a vampire. Additionally, you would have the option of turning a recently turned lycan girl into a vampire/lycan hybrid.

The main thing I believe that I need to focus on is a hook to base this chapter around. I know what the finale for the vampire route will be more or less, but it's the in between parts that I'm still shaky on. It's not like when I began developing the main story a while ago and I knew how I wanted to divide the story up. This is all a part of the creative process, but I appreciate your patience  while I try and write this upcoming chapter. In the mean time, I am going to focus on drawing the characters I know that I want to add and keep making progress from there.

Also, to all non patrons, please look forward to the public release of version 3.1.1 coming this Friday, October 23. 


chris leiterman

If you do have the Lycan girl, perhaps story wise a pack of lycans could be causing trouble in an area & although she was infected, she was seeking help. If you do go that route, a possible "bad end" could be where Vamp-Mila ends up being used as either a "Breeding B!+ch" or used to make hybrids for part of the Lycan army. Sometimes I find brainstorming with others or coming across pictures others have made or music can help get the "creative juices flowing". Plus sometimes plucking bits and pieces from scraped ideas that weren’t erased can help when feeling stumped or to use as place holders/references.


If you are looking for story ideas for the chapter, may I suggest including some content where Mila is enthralled to the vampires and begins working for them before being discovered and deprogrammed? It would be a great way for her to learn more about what is going on if she is hypnotized but not turned and then finds out more about what is going on behind the scenes on the vampire's side.