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Bianca's Diary is now done... mostly. All the writing and scripting is complete, it just requires a bit more testing to make sure there aren't any unintended hiccups. Since this is primarily a story driven quest, there were many scripted events that link into each other. That means finding a glitch or error late into an event means starting the test play over from the beginning and having to play the same scenes over and over and over... It's quite tedious.

Now that this story is behind me, I can say that as of now, I'm happy with how it came out. Spending time writing for a different lead is refreshing and I really liked writing Bianca as a character! Finishing a playthrough of this quest also made me go back to the events of chapter 1 and clean up some areas. I also needed to adjust some text boxes to line up properly with the events of Bianca's Diary. Playing through chapter 1 suddenly has a different feel after the context of the prequel story!

I also finished the last piece of art that I wanted to add in this update! I debated whether or not to draw it early on, but I just really wanted to, so I put in the extra effort! Here is a cropped preview:

The new image is for a bad ending scene in the new contract quest! It consists of 7 images and I've created a gif of the scene that all $5 up Patrons can view right now! The gif is a bit lower quality since it's animated, but the original images have a very high resolution! Definitely one to look forward to I think you're all going to like it!

The contract quest already has some of the building blocks in place to begin working on it this week. The town and maze cave are already built as I stated in a previous update. I basically just need to build the quest and write the dialogue and this update is in the bag. Release date details coming soon...?

That's all for this week! See you in the next one!


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