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I wasn't able to finish scripting Bianca's Diary this week like I wanted to. Right now, I would say it's pretty close to finished, roughly 80% or so. I mainly have to script the final scene, (which has a few parts to script in it) and one extra bad ending sequence. This week turned out to be as busy for me outside of the game as I was expecting. 

I also went into this update thinking that a less exploration/battle focused portion of the game would be easier to script, but having to move the focus mainly on story has taken more time than I anticipated.

I've gone back and forth while writing scenes.  I think that some players may find the tone of this new story odd. Most of the story isn't H-based at all and unlike Mila, Bianca isn't a character that thinks much about sex. Perhaps that juxtaposition of tone may get people more invested when the H-scenes do inevitably occur with her. Only time will tell, I suppose. One thing I will say is that this chapter will probably make you feel pretty bad if you choose to kill Bianca, if it didn't already.

While writing scenes, there was also some art stuff I realized that I needed to add, like a few more sprites and updated character portraits/expressions, so I did that this week as well. I have a preview here of Bianca to show, but I've also added some expressions for the Librarian (who I have finally named!) and Faye.

I also intend on drawing 1 more illustration for the upcoming contract quest, because it's a scene I've been wanting to draw out of pure indulgence lol! No preview on that yet. Maybe next week! That would make the total number of new images added to the picture gallery is 11 for this update!

Full disclosure, I have a small temporary job at the moment that is taking up some of my day time on weekdays and I'm often not in the mood to work on Crimson Veil directly after work. I'm still pushing for a late September release, but it's looking more likely that this will be pushed into October. As always, I try to push my updates to be of as high quality as I can make, so I would rather delay the game slightly for a more enjoyable result on your end.

Thanks for your patience!



yeah, so far your approach of Quality over early release has definitely paid off, so keep that up