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It's been a bit of a gloomy week for me. Though I like rainy weather, it's been mostly dark clouds for the past week and a half where I live. Combined with staying at home for anything but the essentials has put me into a bit of a lull. I just haven't been feeling creative this week. I've spent most of my time either in bed or on the couch. I'm sure the feeling is relatable to a lot of you out there given our current situation.

But you know what? That's okay. I think it's normal to feel like this sometimes. It helps to know that you are very much not alone in this feeling. Eventually you will wake up with that drive to move forward and do something productive with your time! In fact, I woke up early with that drive this morning!

I pat myself on the back for at the very least finishing one drawing this week, which is the one I teased the other day. All of my patrons will have access to it following this update post. Speaking of which, the new round of voting starts now! It will be live until 7/30/20 12:00 EST. Be sure and get your vote in before then!

I was really happy and thankful that I received so many more ideas than the last round. I tried to respond to each of them and critique them were I can.  There were so many great ideas submitted that I would have loved to make into quests at some point! Unfortunately, I have to narrow it down to four choices.

If your idea didn't get picked this round, please hold on to your writing so that you can resubmit your entree for the next round! 

I may not have been feeling super creative this week, but reading over all these ideas has certainly inspired me. I will push myself to get some writing done this week as well. I think I'll write an outline like I did for chapter 3, since that proved to be very useful. Good luck to those whose ideas were chosen! May the best idea win!


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