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Title: Hunt for the Vampiric Specter

Mila gets a contract asking for her assistance in hunting an elusive and highly dangerous vampiric specter, a spirit that can only physically manifest for a brief period of time before becoming incorporeal again. Herclient is Juliana de Léon, a vampire hunter that has been tracking the specter to get revenge for her family members that had their souls consumed by the specter.

Juliana informs Mila that each time the specter feeds, it’s strength grows. It cannot be killed by normal means in it’s physical form, but Juliana theorizes that if they can somehow keep it from feeding before it dematerializes it’ll disappear for good. According to notes kept by her family, the time it has to materialize has increased with each feeding. She fears that after consuming enough human blood and souls, the specter will eventually be fully bound to the physical world and be able to freely convert and feed without fear of the sun.

Juliana waits for Mila in an abandoned building in the countryside, the last place the specter was spotted before it’s last dematerialization. She is armed with dual makeshift firearms that fire bullets imbued with holy water, which have consistently proven capable of stunning the specter in the past and a morningstar made of the same material, Juliana and Mila prepare for the fight while bonding over the loss of Juli’s lost older sister/mentor and Mila’s best friend Iris. The specter appears, along with Juliana’s long lost older sister who was presumed dead, now converted into a vampire thrall. She attacks Juliana, leaving Mila alone to confront the vampiric specter. 

Bad Ending:

Mila loses the fight and Juliana returns with her sister, freshly converted into a thrall and Mila is converted soon after as well by the specter. The specter, having fed, becomes a part of the physical world and orders her slaves to do her bidding as she ravages the country-side.

Good Ending:

Mila is nearly defeated when suddenly Juliana reappears in time to stun the distracted specter with a direct hit from her guns, before lending Mila her Morningstar to bind the creature. It’s thrall defeated, it rants and raves as it’s time runs out before disintegrating, finally dying. Finding closure, Juliana takes her leave. Gifting Mila one of her holy pistols. Juliana tells her she has an ally should she ever need her.

Title: Passion’s Price

Mila sees a new contract posted from a nobleman who claims that a vile vixen has been preying on his daughter.  When she goes to see him, he shows Mila his exhausted daughter asleep on a bed claiming that since said daughter began spending her time with a mysterious porcelain-skinned Courtesan, she is slowly becoming more lifeless - sleeping longer and longer, then staying out all night - hence he is sure the woman she's seeing must be a vampire.

Mila goes to meet the Courtesan in Fallholt's court, finding a high-class Asian noblewoman dressed in a revealing kimono.  When asked about the noble girl, the Courtesan muses that the girl is a radiant bloom whom she has been enjoying greatly.  Mila challenges her about the girl's gradual exhaustion, but the Courtesan simply notes that the ecstasy her abilities give wouldn't be worth the price otherwise. Mila asks the Courtesan to touch her cross to prove that she is not a vampire. The Courtesan gracefully touches it and then dismisses Mila as she has clients to attend to.

Mila learns that the Courtesan is a form of Kitsune and follows her to her lair, as she transforms. The creature insists that it only takes what is offered in return for rapture, but Mila retorts that the near-lifeless noble girl no longer realizes just how much is being taken from her.  The Kitsune indignantly responds that it must feed to survive, but suggests an alternative.  It notes how stunningly beautiful and vibrant Mila is, and how much ecstasy Mila's sensual young body would experience if she offered a taste of her abundant vitality in place of the noble girl's.  Mila expresses doubt about the creature's trustworthiness. The Kitsune also suggests that it has lived long enough to sense an unfulfilled longing in Mila for something intimate and dangerous - something that it can satisfy with its breath-taking kiss…

If Mila chooses to fight, the Kitsune summons a couple of Zombie brides, porcelain-skinned noble women with gleaming blue eyes who she had previously drained to death.   

Bad Ending:

If Mila agrees to offer a taste of her life's breath to the Kitsune or is defeated, the two get naked and Mila gets the ecstasy promised.  However once the Kitsune has savoured Mila, it hungers for more.  The creature tells Mila how full of life she is, and suggests that if Mila offers a little more of her life's breath, it will be longer until it needs to feed again.  Mila reluctantly agrees and the Kitsune feeds again, giving Mila an even more intense though tiring thrill. After it has fed a second time, the Kitsune tells Mila how grateful it is for the life Mila has given it, insisting on giving her greater pleasure in return - it will just need to take some more of Mila's life.  Mila agrees and she gets an incredibly intense but even more tiring climax.  After she has fed a third time, the Kitsune tells Mila it has rarely had a lover so radiant and eager - and that if she shares her life's breath freely her next carnal release will know no bounds. Mila is unable to resist, and the Kitsune hungrily consumes Mila's life completely, turning her into another Zombie Bride.

Good Ending:

Mila can choose not to kill the Kitsune, in which case her client only pays half the value of the contract based on Mila's assurance that the Courtesan will stay away from now on. If the Kitsune has been killed the girl recovers completely, and realizes she was enthralled but is left with a compulsion to exhaust herself through pleasure.

Title: Nautical Kiss

A woman asks for help locating her missing husband and daughter. After Mila accepts the contract, she is prompted to speak with the woman in North Mor Town—she discovers that the man never returned from one of his regular fishing trips. Their daughter, Mary, set off to locate him against the mother's wishes. The woman suggests asking around for clues at the dock and pays a small advance to aid Mila in her efforts. Once there, Mila finds out that several men have disappeared recently while braving the rocky shallows to the northwest for its high concentration of fish. Though the disappearances could be chalked up to bad luck, most of them were experienced fishermen who have visited the spot before, and only recently has it become a no-go zone. 

A young girl matching Mary's description was asking around not long ago; she chartered a ride from the only man willing to venture into the area and has not yet returned. No one will take Mila there themselves, but one man has a spare old rowboat he'd be willing to part with for a fraction of Mila's advance. Mila sets off and after a timeskip, hears a pleasant sound filling the air. She becomes entranced and instinctively rows in its direction until she abruptly smashes into a small island. The wreck shakes off the trance effect and Mila sees a woman with scales and the tail of a fish lying on the shore with Mary beside her. 

The woman is singing—the alluring sound Mila had heard earlier—and Mary is enraptured by her voice. Mila identifies the woman as a mermaid and moves to attack her. The pleasant singing takes on a harsh tone, and suddenly Mary attacks Mila instead. Upon victory, Mary is knocked out and Mila moves on to the mermaid. She introduces herself as Celia and explains that she's been luring the men to sate her appetite. However, she dislikes feasting on young maidens, and would rather keep Mary and Mila as lovers. 

Bad Ending:

If Mila loses either the boss fight or fight against Mary, the mermaid begins singing again and puts Mila under her spell. She then takes her into the water and bestows her with the mermaid's kiss. Mila and Mary become a devoted servant of the mermaid, growing scales and gills of their own to live in the sea with their new mistress forever.

Good Ending:

Upon victory, the mermaid admits that she could survive on a diet of fish, but had taken to men because she prefers the taste. She swears to stop attracting boats and offers to take Mila and Mary both back to shore. Mary's mother is upset to learn of the presumptive death of her husband, but counts herself lucky that her daughter is home safe.

Title: Keeping Mindful

Mila is contracted to investigate a village that has been invaded by a creature and people in their village have been changing. Upon entering the village, Mila’s head would feel a bit fuzzy and the village would appear to be covered in a barely noticeable purple mist. Most of those who Mila interacts with seem to be overly happy, while a few seem nervous while interacting with her. After a bit, Mila spots a suspicious female villager. Before she can chase after her, a young woman would bump into her. The woman would drop a key, but upon seeing Mila she’d be frightened and run off. Picking up the key Mila will have to choose between chasing after the suspicious woman or the girl who bumped into her.

-If Mila follows the suspicious villager, she heads into a cave at back of the village. Once inside, the villager would lead Mila through an empty cave maze to a large open cavern that appears to have a hot spring. The villager undresses and dives into water and beckons Mila to join her, leading to the bad ending.

-If Mila chooses to go after the girl who bumped into her, she finds a large shack at the far end of the village, where the girl is trying to get in. Mila unlocks the door for her with the key she picked up and once they are inside the shack, those inside will look at Mila, fearful that she is under control like the others. After a bit of talking they would give her an equippable item to resist the effect of whatever was affecting the others in town.

Once she steps out of the shack, the suspicious villager can be seen and she runs inside the entrance of a cave. Mila follows her into the cave, leading to a small maze of tunnels. Upon entering the large cavern area with the hot spring, the suspicious villager would then walk over to kiss Mila and begin undressing. She then walks into the hot spring and motions for Mila to join her. If Mila chooses not to join her, then the woman will reveal herself to be a Mindflayer. It would comment about her resistance to its control & the illusion it made of the suspicious villager. She gives her one last chance to either jump into the pool and become a Mindflayer like her or become her meal. 

Bad Ending:

If Mila heads to the opening in the back of the cave: Mila would be unable to resist as she ends up being psychically controlled by the villager who reveals to be a Mindflayer. She is forced to strip then dive into the pool. 

Upon losing in the fight: The Mindflayer’s tentacles strip Mila, without tearing her clothing off, and then have their way with her, before devouring her mind & memories. After having her mind drained, she is eventually converted into a mindflayer herself.

Good Ending:

Mila defeats the Mindflayer and saves the village. She is rewarded with a Silver Ore and the shop in the village offers her a discount on it’s wears.



If it’s chosen I’ll edit the character up a bit. Thanks for the heads up.


Yeah, be very careful about that. Wizards of the Coast has been on a copyright rampage recently. I know they have calmed down a bit, but I don't think you should chance it.