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I hope my patrons have all been enjoying the latest update. While I wait for all of your ideas to come in for new Hunting Contracts, I have spent this past week working on new art for side quests I want to add to the game. Here is a quick teaser of what's to come:

This one gets a full bite/corruption scene. This kind of art with multiple characters in one drawing is sort of difficult to make and takes much more time, so I don't do them very often. Making this did get me thinking however, that it would be pretty cool to go back to one of the older scenes and update them to include bite/corruption art! I'm going to start up a poll shortly after posting this of which scene you would like to see updated in 2.2 to include bite art like this! It will be running until 7/24/19. I feel like that should be more than enough time to get all my higher tier patrons to vote and I would like to get started on making the art as soon as I can.

I've also made another scene similar to this for the next update. It won't be quest related, you'll have to find it for yourself but... I'm sure it won't be too difficult to find if you know where to look for trouble ;)



Like the variety of a more monstrous-looking vampire there.