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Now that 2.1 has been released to my patrons, I have begun working on new content for Version 2.2. That means I'm going to be needing more suggestions for contracts! If you are unfamiliar with the rules from last time, here they are again:

 Rules for posting a hunting contract

•Contracts must use wholly original characters (Meaning no characters from the story chapters can be included as part of the side quest’s plot)
•Contracts must include themes of corruption.
•Contracts may not include themes of: scat, guro, furry, bestiality, and/or futanari. (This list is subject to change)
•Contracts are not limited to vampires, but must include a monster character capable of corrupting Mila.
•Contract ideas are limited to 3 different characters, meaning only 3 original
characters that have illustrations attached to them (This does not apply to npcs without art.)
•Contract ideas may only have 1 alternate ending (Meaning 1 “bad” ending and 1 canon ending.)
•Each contract submission must have the title by which you would like to be credited should your submission be chosen.
Contracts should be descriptive if you want them to be selected, but limit the ideas to 4 paragraphs.  

I will be collecting submissions until 7/25/19, so please comment your suggestions down below! 



This idea is trimmed down quite a bit from the original pitch I sent MKRUdesign, and I left some of the details ambiguous so there's room for him to interpret however he likes. Edited: oh, and because I'm no good with titles, let's call it something goofy and non-committal like "Friendship Is Magic!" so if it gets chosen, then we could have the NPC reappear in subsequent sidequests (pt2, pt3, etc.) without having to adhere to the similar themes. Mila meets a foreign huntress/sorceress named Alyena, who's requesting help finishing a job she was forced to flee. She had been investing a rash of disappearances in another town when the supposed victims all just suddenly reappeared, seemingly unharmed. Fearing the villagers return was too good to be true, Alyena dug deeper and stumbled upon a demon-worshiping cult that would have overwhelmed her, too, if she hadn't managed to escape. While she's got a bit of skill with a sword, her real strength is magic, so she's looking for someone who can keep her safe while she casts her spells, roots out the heart of the cult, and breaks the demon's control over the villagers. Demons really aren't Mila's specialty, but after her run-in with the succubus, she realizes she could stand to gain a little more experience hunting them. If you agree to return with Alyena to the village, you gain an additional temporary party member who will fight beside Mila during the side-quest. The cultists seem to be in hiding when Mila and Aly arrive, so they have to start searching for clues. Aly reminds Mila the cultists aren't like vampires - the victims can still be saved if the demon at the heart of the cult is destroyed, so they need to restrain from injuring any of the victims if they can avoid it. After a long day of traveling and searching for clues, the huntresses call it a night. Mila questions whether it's safe to rest in a village being overrun by a demon cult, but Alyena promises she can create magical wards to keep them safe while they sleep, so they share a room at the inn (and perhaps a romantic moment before bed?) Sometime during the night, Mila's new friend disappears. When Mila awakes, she realizes its up to her to save Alyena and the rest of the village before the cult's strength grows out of control! Time is of the essence, so Mila can only follow one of two paths - this is where the quest splits: Bad-end route: It stands to reason if Alyena was taken by the cultists, then there should still be a trail for Mila to follow back to their lair! This would involve shaking down a few villagers to get on the right track, and then a fight through the ruins where the cultists have made their base. Mila reaches the head cultist and defeats him in time to prevent Alyena from being fully converted... only for the sorceress to turn on Mila! She learns the demon had already begun influencing Alyena the very first time it set its eyes on her - his control was weak when she managed to get away before, but it's been growing stronger ever since she returned to the village... and now Mila will suffer the same fate! Cue an unwinnable boss fight against Alyena and the demon, with both young women ultimately becoming thralls and concubines if Mila loses. Potentially, Mila is able to get away, though the village and her new friend are lost, at least for now - that's up to MKRUdesign whether it's something he wants to follow up with. Good/canon route: Rather than recklessly chasing her friend's trail, Mila decides to break into the office of the constable that had been dodging them the previous day to demand answers. No surprise, cultists are guarding the building! You discover secret plans in the office of the constable and Mila realizes Alyena would have already been under the demon's control. Armed with foreknowledge, you fight your way through the ruins and defeat the cultist leader, but this time when Aly tries to betray you, you're able to knock some sense into her instead. Together, Mila and Aly confront the demon, suffering the same fate as before if they lose, but saving the village if they win. Alyena splits her reward with Mila, and additionally confers some sort of magical gift upon her new friend - she either teaches Mila a useful trick, or enchants her whip... something along those lines. Whatever the case, the huntresses part ways for now as friends, but Alyena is still around for MKRUdesign to bring back as a future NPC if he wants.

Tom Jones

Alright, here's my go at an additional quest. Mila ventures further into the corrupted forest near the monastery. As she ventures deeper, she begins to notice that the trees are looking more sickly and some have even died. Just then, a sweet aroma guides her to an Alraune/Plant girl looking monster who pleads with her to help her cleanse the forest of its recent corruption. She claims that the forest was once home to many more of her kind, which are known to be a peaceful race, despite the fact that most people still view them as monsters in need of purging (Mila's order included). (Bad end) If Mila declines the Alraune's offer, she can either chose to purge the plant girl herself, or walk away and leave her to her fate (which instigates to Alraune to attack and convert her out of desperation) both of these decisions lead Mila to a bad end where she is converted and assists her new sister in saving the forest. (Good end) Mila accepts the offer, and seeks out the source of the corruption. which she discovers is some of the remaining vampire cultists with yet another orb. The cultists intend to wipe the forest of its purity and attempt to try and convert the last Alraune into a vampire/plant hybrid, which they plan on using to quickly attack and convert the nearby towns. Mila either fights and loses (she is then converted into a vampire) or wins, only to have Ashe show up and yet again, steal the orb from her. Mila returns to the plant girl, who is overjoyed that she has succeeded and has already begun the process of healing the forest. She offers Mila the chance to join her as a sister in the new garden paradise she has helped to save, offering her a new peaceful life and claiming that its only right that the hero of the forest get her reward. If Mila accepts, she is converted, but if she declines, the Alraune reluctantly gives her a few stat plants and offers her the chance to come back any time to take her up on the offer. (Alternate Ending) If Mila keeps speaking with the Alraune and declines the offer three times, on the fourth attempt, she will be unable to resist the Alraune due to the Alraune's aphrodisiac pollen whittling away at her resistance. The Alraune almost feels bad about the fact that she took away Mila's free will by accident, but her lust for Mila overcomes her and she obliges Milas overwhelming desire to be with her.