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"U-umm, what do you mean you will keep them?" Irina asked timidly while I shrugged my shoulders without shame.

"I like these swords, I think I will keep them."

"But we kind of need them to finish our mission."

"I know that, but it isn't like you can't take them off me. Well, you could try to take it by force but..."

Not even using aura of despair I just let the valve on my cursed energy loose, sending a cascade of malice leaking out coupled with my own honed murderous intent pressing down on them they broke out into a cold sweat before I retracted it and smiled in a friendly manner.

"But I don't think that will turn out very well for you." While Xenovia gritted her teeth in annoyance at the fact she couldn't defeat me while Irina pleaded.

"B-but how are we supposed to take the Excaliburs back then?"

"Well, you could always convince me to give them up."


"I don't know, you don't have anything on you of any value unless you plan on giving up your own Excalibur. Well, you are a pretty I am sure you will figure something out." I said while not so subtly leering at her breasts.  Making Irina cover her breasts and cower while Xenovia sighed.

"But where will we stay? While the local church is nice..." Irina trailed off and I understood why, I wouldn't want to stay in an abandoned church without any money either. After a few moments, it was as if a lightbulb was lit above her head.

Well, I could probably assume along what lines it was.

[ {Lucky Sukebe} has triggered ]

[ {Fortuitous Encounter} has triggered ]

"How about this, can we stay in your mansion, in exchange we will work for you. You already have the orders from our bet, don't you? Doesn't this work for you as well?"

"Work? As in maids? While I wouldn't refuse I still have maids here you know." Irina blushed and coughed into her hand.

"W-well, I wouldn't exactly say maids but... we will do stuff in exchange for you?" I mustered up the smugest most rougish grin I could.

"Hoooh? Does that "stuff" include perverted things?" Irina blushed and sputtered while Xenovia kept her composure. I could see Irina making the calculations in her head most likely going like 'I can't do perverted things! But we need the Excaliburs... And it's for our lord.' before she let out a resigned sigh with an explosive blush.

"Alright! But only in moderation, please? Besides we can do more than that you know! We are some of the best exorcists in the church. And I can cook somewhat! What about you Xenovia do you agree?"

"...Well, if we need to I will also follow your orders. I am good with my sword." Xenovia added on at the end after thinking about her specialities before realizing that there wasn't much she could provide.

"Alright, you can stay here in exchange for doing things for me as you put it. Since there are no additional rooms currently you two will stay in my room for now. My undead will have finished construction in a few days."

Hearing the word undead they both looked a bit sullen and grimaced while I shook my head.

"Oh hush, they barely count as undead, they weren't even humans before, I created the bones myself." Hearing this Irina's head perked up.

"Wait really? They aren't actually dead people?"

"Yep, guilt-free free ethically sourced undead at your service." I honestly hadn't intended them to be that way but just building your own undead from mob drops was just that more efficient and powerful. Hearing this Irina sighed in relief and Xenovia looked visibly more relieved.

"Hah- that makes me feel better. Maybe you aren't a bad person Akira even if you are a pervert I am sure God can still save your soul."

Funny how she thinks a god who couldn't save themselves could somehow save my soul but I shook my head.

"Well, I am getting pretty tired, time to hit the hay. Come follow me, let's go to the bedroom."

"WAIT? We are going to be sleeping together?" Irina said blushing while Xenovia followed wordlessly.

"Of course? Did you expect me not to sleep in my own bed? Come." This time, compelled by my words thanks to the vow they followed me to the bedroom. Both letting out gasps at the beautifully decorated second-floor bedroom with an amazing view of Kuoh.

As I was standing thinking Xenovia suddenly started getting naked. Prompting Irina.

"X-Xenovia what are doing? Why are getting naked? This is a man's bedroom?" While Xenovia looked at her in befuddlement, shedding the last of her garments, looking as naked as the day she was born.

"Why aren't you getting naked? Isn't it obvious? He called us to his bedroom to have his way with us. Are you that oblivious." Prompting Irina to look at me in a horrified manner. As this happened I shrugged my shoulders, prompting a choice window to pop up but I waved it away.

"Well, I certainly didn't plan on it but I won't refuse if you are offering." I could certainly just make them sleep with me thanks to the terms of the binding vow but...

Where is the fun in that?

I could have just bent them over the moment they entered the mansion if I wanted to.

But I prefer the long road to a perfect victory rather than a short path to a shallow victory.

"...What do you mean?"

"I mean if you don't want to have sex with me I won't make you. I did come here to sleep, doing so with two beautiful girls is just a bonus." Xenovia looked into my eyes for a few seconds before looking down at her naked body.

"I see. In that case, I would prefer to keep my chastity for now. But I still usually sleep naked." Xenovia said cooly before sitting on the side of the bed. I looked over at the flustered Irina who waved her hands.

"I-I think I prefer to sleep with my clothes on." I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Well I don't." (Unravel) Once again I ripped her clothes to shreds as she screamed and tried to cover herself while Xenovia shrugged.

"*Sniffle* You are too cruel." I think my Idle transfiguration experiments share the sentiment.

~~~~~~{18+ Start}~~~~~~

More reluctantly Irina also joined the bed while I lowered my pants finally as Irina closed her eyes but left gaps to peek through. Instantly my fully erect raging erection stood proudly at its full 9.5 inches drawing a large gasp from both exorcists.

I laid down in the middle of the bed while Irina looked away, occasionally taking peeks at my tool while Xenovia's eyes were transfixed on it.

My raging erection did not bother me too much, with my restriction it was like that 30% of the time. Eventually, Irina spoke up.

"That looks painful."

"It does, why, are you offering to help me with it?" with the date scouter I could already see the perverted trait on her. With my luck and lucky sukebe, such paths opened up naturally.

"W-well, I did take a promise not to ignore those in need. Besides I am supposed to be serving you right." Trying to seem casual Irina wrapped her hand around my shaft, making it twitch and her flinch.

Man, it has been long since I have participated in coitus.

I am backed up as hell.

I turned my head slightly to Xenovia with an idea in my head.

"Xenovia, why don't you help Irina in relieving me? You seemed eager a second ago." I received only a tranced nod from Xenovia before she also wrapped her slightly calloused hand around my shaft too.

"Umm, how do we do this... like this? Does that feel good?" Irina started gently rubbing her hands up and down my penis while Xenovia on the other hand was firmer, jacking me off in a pumping motion with a determined look on her face.

Man, I didn't think a handjob could feel so good. Especially one from a pair of exorcists, I should do more foreplay more often.

Sneakily I placed my hand on Xenovia's breast, drawing out a moan from her not denying my advances while my other sneaked behind Irina, grabbing a handful of her plump yet firm ass.

"H-hey, I will allow it but no more than that ok?" I smirked at her, massaging her rear drawing out pleasurable moans from her making her get caught up in the mood while also playing with Xenovia's breast, fondling and playing with her nipple.

Eventually instinctively knowing I was about to cum they started speeding up until I was pushed over the edge.

I may have gone overboard, but blame my vitality.

Because as I came an inordinate amount of cum erupted from my penis.

Because I let out at least a few hundred millilitres fo cum, erupting like a hose and covering the girls in my spunk.

"Is this cum?" Irina said in a wondering tone while I saw Xenovia scoop up a handful from her breasts and take it into her mouth. Her expression changing.

"It tastes good?" Saying that she looked at her hands glazed in cum before taking another inquisitive lick.


I just got hard again from that.

"It got hard again!"

~~~~~~{18+ End}~~~~~~

After cumming 3 more times my leviathan was appeased, and the exhausted girls and I fell asleep.

I say fell asleep loosely as I switched to piloting my second body when my first fell asleep. I can't sleep with the Kok around the corner.

But that sheer post-nut clarity gave me some very innovative ideas.

While waiting for it to become day I used my cursed tool creation to try and fuse the three Excaliburs together. Which led to some interesting results.

By that, I mean that the addition of cursed energy which is basically condensed negativity fusing the Excaliburs led to an unexpected result. One that I am not complaining.

[Excalibur Morgan(Incomplete)]

Black Sword of Ultimate Light

The ultimate holy sword Excalibur's shards have been reforged into an incomplete state. Having been doused in malice and negativity its form has changed yet its function has not been altered due to the power of the original.

One needs to be a Holy Sword Wielder to use this weapon.


-Holy Aura: The user is able to emit a holy aura when using the sword to attack. Enhancing all of their abilities.

-Light Energy Amplification: Massively amplifies Light Element attacks.

-Rapidly: Temporarily doubles the user's speed.

-Nightmare: Allows the user to create illusions.

-Transparency: Allows the user or the blade to become transparent.

Of course me, I have no interest in wielding the new Excalibur Morgan, yes it's a powerful blade and I have Kenjutsu but...

Why should I use it when I already have my own blade that can wield it in my stead?

A tear in space leading to a dimension of darkness manifested behind me, and from it walked out Alpha in all of his towering might. Of course, he couldn't wield it as is, in fact trying to do so would probably hurt him instead. But I had come prepared.

I pulled out the Light Element Container from my inventory.

[Light Element Container]

Type: Consumable

Can be used to give a target the trait [Holy Sword Wielder]

I am sure there must have been some complicated process to using this or some prerequisites along those lines but...

Eat your heart out scientist man. The fruit of your research involving dozens of dead orphans to create a probably incredibly complicated to process to give someone the ability to use holy swords has been reduced to consumable under game rules. And thanks to the brutal simplicity of the game this is also applicable to undead.

It was as simple as crushing the crystal in my hand and choosing Alpha as a target. There was no big show, Alpha glowed a bit before gaining the ability to wield holy swords.

Feeling no need to make a scene out of it I casually tossed the Excalibur Morgan to Alpha who caught it mid-air easily, he took a second to get a feel for the blade and looked over it before sheathing it on his waist and kneeling before me once again.

I felt a whole shift in vibe when Alpha got a hold of the sword, it was as if a piece that had been lacking previously had finally been slotted in. I had finally given my Knight the sword he needed.

The moment Alpha places his hand on the handle of Excalibur Morgan it's like his aura rages like flames. With the proper instruments, Alpha can finally exert himself to his fullest capacity.

With him fully equipped I have prepared basically all I could.

It's showtime.


A/N: Been a while since I wrote smut, how do you like it? Now all the preparations are done its time to face the looming guillotine everpresent above Akira's neck named Kokabiel.


James French

I can only imagine Alpha’s POV rn lol


I'm very excited for the next chapter.