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"A-Akeno? Are you really sure about this?" Rias said while looking at Akeno, seeming equal parts confused and worried. To clarify we are in my bedroom. With the door locked after the rest of the club left.

Akeno smiled lightly in response as a blush dusted her cheeks.

"Of course Buchou, I have already decided to lose my virginity to Akira-kun. You don't mind right?"

"No, it's not that I mind but... are you sure?" How touching. It's almost like I am not here. Rias decided to stay behind as emotional support for a Akeno, as she sees Akeno as a sister and all.

"I am sure Buchou. Or are you afraid I will steal Akira away from you? Ufufu~" She teased as Rias went red.

"O-of course not. I am confident in my skills, after all, I wouldn't lose to you Akeno, I am your king after all." Rias huffed indignantly. Crossing her arms below her breasts. She shot a look at me before conceding and hugging Akeno.

"Alright Akeno, I am proud of you." She smiled at Akeno one last time before heading to the door and addressing me.

"Also, Akira? Take good care of her, please? ...Or actually, maybe you can knock her down a peg or two." She added after seeing Akeno's smug smile.

"Don't worry, you already know what I'm doing, see you later Rias." She gave me an honest smile before leaving and closing the door behind her.

As soon as Rias left I strode toward Akeno with a hungry gaze, I knew what a kinky girl like her wanted, partly because of my scouter and partly because I watched DxD. One of us was going to set the pace and it was going to be me, I won't be humiliated like with Ddraig again.

"Eh?" I scooped her into my arms before throwing her onto my bed, making her priestess outfit dishevelled. While initially surprised Akeno gained a sultry expression.

"Oh, my Akira-kun~ taking charge~ but I like it."

"Since Koneko cut us off I am feeling a bit frustrated from being blueballed you know?" She smiled as I lifted her chin and started kissing her passionately. After a dozen seconds of our tongues intensely dancing together I broke the kiss as a line of saliva separated us.

I could feel her barely restrained lust and I could feel mine pushing up against my pants too. But before I went any further I removed my annoying glasses, my eyes may voraciously consume my CE but I wanna have sex at 8k ultra HD 120fps.

Akeno looked into my eyes for a brief second before turning her gaze away with a flush gaze. Then I heard her speak in a flustered and honestly adorable manner.

"Umm, Akira-kun, could you do me a favour?"

"Of course Akeno, also just call me Akira."

"...Could you be gentle? It is my first time so-" She trailed off while I froze in place.


That is fucking precious.

~~~~~~{18+ Start}~~~~~~

I stopped her by gently putting a hand on her cheek and giving her a quick kiss on the lips without tongue as I intently stared into her eyes, making her stop as her blush reached her ears.

"Of course, I'll be gentle." I heard her whisper under her breath.

"Your eyes are unfair..." Before she quieted down by grasping my head with both hands and pulling me into a passionate kiss as I undid the front of her robes to reveal her bountiful physics-defying giant breasts causing them to bounce all over the place.

As we made out more I gently teased her breasts with my hands, kneading her soft mounds like dough in my hands occasionally rubbing her nipples to draw out her cute moans. She was quite sensitive with my massage skills and I wasn't even using eromancy.

I swear her curvy body was made for sex.

I felt her body heating up more and more under my tender touch. I slid off her shrine maiden skirt and I couldn't help but comment.

"Lacy underwear under shrine maiden outfit? I can't help but wonder if you were expecting this to happen."

"Well, maybe I was, what would you do if I was?" She said in an adoring expression as I smirked rougishly as I respecting her wishes slowly inserted a finger into her. She moaned harder as I started pumping in and out of her slowly, picking up the pace slowly.

"M-mou~ Akira~ I can take more than that." Grinning I switched to two fingers and started furiously picking up the pace, making her moan harder and harder but holding back just enough to keep her on the edge. Just as I was to push her over the edge I pulled back as she sulked.

"*Haah Haah* Why did you stop-" Her words got caught up in her mouth as I sent my clothes to the inventory and my 9-inches of pure virility was slapped on top of her mound making her eyes go wide.

"Wow, that is even bigger than the dildos I have at home." Her words tickled my pride really nicely, feeding my ever-growing ego. I carefully lined up my penis head with her entrance. It looked like it would be a hard fit but demon girls are built different.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, fuck me Akira! Hyaaaa~~!!! S-so warm." Her voice switched to a moan as I slowly inserted my length into her, her insides were wet and tight as I felt her envelop me, she easily took me in without too much resistance and she did not bleed either since she was far more experimental than Rias who did not go beyond her own fingers most likely.

I slowly started thrusting in and out of her, being careful to increase my pace slowly to let her adjust to it.

But her initial attitude of wanting me to be "gentle" did not last long.


"Harder~! Please go harder~! Use me more~!" *Plap!* *Plap!*

I thrusted violently into Akeno from behind, the sound of my hips slamming into her plushy ass making loud clapping sounds with how hard I was going into her, I held both of her wrists as I held her up using them while I thrust into her. Akeno was moaning loudly as she climaxed for the nth time. Without taking too long I blew my 4th load into her pussy.

She slowly ramped up and up until she almost outright begged me to use her. And I was doing just that. Just as I pulled my dick away from her pussy as my white cum leaked out of her abused hole and let her fall to the bed face first Akeno took 10 seconds before her hands reached behind her and spread her virgin asshole.

"Akira-sama~ Please punish this slutty devil with your thick penis~ Please ruin my slutty ass~~!" And I thought Rias was a succubus. I knew she was a sadomasochist but I did not think it was to this extent.

But who am I to refuse a lad?

I cast [Lubrication] on her asshole before grabbing her ponytail, feeling her smile as I did so. Then I yanked her up by her ponytail(without much strength) making her upper body lift off the ground. Before.

*SLAP!* I delivered a slap to her plump and juicy ass she moaned loudly. She is really into this, isn't she? Fine anything to make her happy I guess.

"If that's what you want. Then that's what you will get you slutty little devil." Using her hair as a handle and having made sure everything was lubed I jammed my dick straight into her asshole with one thrust.

*HYAAAAAAA~~~~~!!!!!!!* Akeno came violently as her ass squeezed tightly around my dick like a vice, almost it was trying to tear it off with how tight it was. But I did not stop as I started humping her with powerful pistons.

"Harder~! Please punish me, I have been a bad girl~! Hnghh~ please use me I beg you!"  I swear she is purposefully doing so to provoke my sadistic tendencies. Game on.

*Slap!* *Slap!* "Hyaaaahhh~!!! Akira please cum inside me! Fill me up! I love you! Hnghh~~!!!!" I buried myself deep inside her inside as I blew my biggest blow from the start of the session. Emptying inordinate amounts of cum inside of her anus to the point that it gushed out like a waterfall when I pulled out of her.

*Slump.* "Eheheh~ I love you~" Akeno was dazed as I let go of her and she finally slumped onto the bed cum leaking and gushing out of both of her gaping holes, they would go back to normal soon.

~~~~~~~{18+ Over}~~~~~~

"Alright Akeno, let's get you cleaned up shall we?" I told Akeno as she stared back at me with a dazed and dopey expression after I fucked her silly.

"Noooo~ I want to feel it inside me." I shook my head in amusement before casting [Clean] on her, making some effort to clean everything besides the inside of her genitals. Looking at her made me feel a sense of accomplishment.

Yep, she passed out. I am quite exhausted also, shooting so many shots in a row is draining. I could get my energy back but I also welcomed this feeling of comfortable exhaustion as I flopped back on the bed and re-equipped my boxers. I do not want my nards and pole to flop around while I sleep.

As I was about to drift off to sleep with Akeno cuddling up to me I noticed Rias enter our room.

"Hello, Rias. What brings you here?" She looked at the sleeping Akeno and smiled.

"Thank you for taking good care of Akeno."

"Well, when my beautiful girlfriend asked me like that I couldn't really refuse could I ?" Rias snorted "You sap." She smiled lovingly as she stripped also, down to her panties before crawling into my bed to my other side.

"Hmm? What brought this on?" Rias closed her eyes as she lied her head on my chest.

"Well, we haven't been able to spend too much time together. While I don't plan to steal this night from Akeno I still wanted to spend the night with my boyfriend. Is that wrong? I am sure she won't mind sharing such a big bed." Seeing her content expression I felt something inside me get twisted but I shook it off.

"Nope, I like sleeping with you too." She gently reached over to my face and teasingly pulled my eyelids down.

"Then sleep already you hunk. Your eyes are too bright, it's making it hard to sleep." She said one last time before she buried her head into the nook of my neck "Good night Akira."

"Good Night Rias." I said to Rias as I drifted to sleep with two beauties by my side. Feeling the most content I have ever felt sleeping.


[ +4 Affection with Akeno Himejime[95] ]

[ +30 Obedience with Akeno Himejima ]

[Akeno's Panties]

+10% Lightning Affinity

A/N: The first Milf of the fic finally makes her appearance next chapter. Did you like the r18 scene? Was it better than the previous one? Your input is welcome.

Comments, suggestions and likes motivate me to write so do that and I may be motivated to write longer chapters more often.



I honestly hope for a daily release of this novel. While i had some misgivings at the begining, this is one of the better fics for DxD that i've read. And we also share similar tastes in the women. Like Rias, Akeno, grayfia, Shuri, Venelana, etc. The milfy and thick ones are the best. I also recommend Yasaka as top milf, Serafall, Gabriel cause so far nobody has corrupted the angel.. fking hypocrites.


There is a fic where someone was her daughter, but because she was an archangel she can't fall... Yeah, Lucifer and Azazel don't count, right?

Shawn Muradzi

Will there be a release today to catch up with the webnovel?