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After my maids had finished cleaning up everything I sat on the big couch in my house waiting. A bit of rest and relaxation never hurt anybody. I wonder what Akeno has to ask me about?

Eh, I don't really feel like thinking about it too much. Sometimes not thinking is better than thinking. I have doing nothing but thinking for weeks now. My brain deserves a break even though it doesn't need it.

...Hmm, should I boot up Hota while I wait for them? As I was thinking of such things I felt some people enter the outermost veil set up around my base, the one that detects anything that comes within a 100 meters of my house.

Huh, she brought everyone over. That's okay too I guess. Maybe I can give them the gifts I have been preparing. Well, I say I prepared but in reality, it was done by the labour of dozens of cursed tool makers working with the hundreds of thousands of unused things in my inventory.

Currently, Asia was in school probably doing club activities, and Ddraig was lazing about in her "hoard" as she was a dragon after all. There should not be any disruptions.

After a few minutes, I heard a knock on my door that was opened by my wraiths.

"Good afternoon Akira-kun." Rias greeted me cheerfully along with the rest of her peerage, they were all wearing casual clothes. Except Kiba for some reason, now that I think about it I have never seen that man wear anything but the school uniform. However, the one that stood out the most was Akeno who looked a bit too sullen and serious compared to the others and wore shrine maiden clothes.

Obviously, she did not look all that negative but come on, I am a sorcerer of large caliber, if I could not sense the negative energy wafting off of her what would I be doing?

"Welcome everyone to Castle Gojo, feel free to look around, as long as you don't go upstairs or into the basement that is." Saying that I spread my arms around and gestured around me. I should build a pool.

Everyone in her peerage was in front of me, Rias was sitting on the couch opposite of me with Akeno sitting behind with the others by her sides. Why are they being so formal?

"Sorry for bringing everyone over without notice Akira-kun, hearing that we were visiting Koneko-chan and Aika-chan wanted to come as well, then Kiba got roped along too." Rias said scratching her cheek looking bashful while I waved my hand.

"Why are being so polite all of a sudden? It's not like I am going to get mad for bringing my friends along. Relax a little." Hearing that everyone smiled, making me feel sappy but I shook the feeling off.

[+5 Affection with All ORC members]

"Right, I was worrying too much. But I wanted to talk about something serious with just the three of us." After mentioning that Rias asked the other members to leave us alone for a bit, so they all parted to explore available parts of the mansion. Leaving just the three of us and the awkward mood hanging above us.

"So... what did you guys want to ask me?" Rias motioned to Akeno who sat next to her in front of me. After a second of contemplation and a reassuring nod from Rias, she spoke.

"Akira-kun, you are a necromancer right?" Well, that is a bit of a stupid question, isn't it?

"Yeah? I am indeed a necromancer if it wasn't apparent enough, I am a necromancer with basically what all of that entails."

"Then... Akira, can you summon the spirits of the deceased into the living world?" Akeno asked in a timid manner that did not fit in with how she usually acted making me a tad unsettled.

"I can? It isn't very difficult as much as it's annoying to do." Hearing me say these words Akeno's eyes lit up. Then she bowed her head to me.

"Akira-kun, could you summon the spirit of my mother into the world of the living?" I don't get why she is so hung up about asking me this, but then again I have the social capabilities of a mollusk. Turns out that having barely any empathy or sympathy makes it hard to relate to others.

"Sure?" It seems like my reaction to this had surprised them.

"...Are you really willing to do that for me?" What is she even talking about? It isn't like summoning a spirit is something like a giant ordeal for me. Hell, the cost of keeping her summoned wouldn't even get past my passive CE regen.

Hmm, I think I vaguely remember the development from the anime but can't really be bothered to recall it. The anime is the anime and this world was this world, cross-checking everything will just cause unnecessary stress.

"Rias buchou, could you leave us alone for a bit?" Rias looked conflicted but after a quick hug with Akeno, she left the two of us alone in the middle of the living room. Akeno walked over to my large couch and sat next to me with her knees folded on the couch facing away from me as she disrobed herself, exposing her back.

"Akira-kun, I want to show you something." She said in a solemn tone as wings burst out of her back. One Fallen and one Devil wing. Akeno looked ashamed and even a bit fearful of my reaction but...

"Your wings?"

Okay? Yeah, she sure is a Half-Fallen Angel. Blind to my befuddlement she kept speaking.

"Yes, I have both a fallen angels wing and a devils wing. I had hoped that by joining Rias and becoming I could be rid of them. But instead, all it did was make me an unsightly abomination that had a wing from both a devil and a fallen angel. What do you think of such a monstrosity Akira-kun? After all, you have done for me and Buchou I cannot bear to deceive you further."


"Why?" Why is this discussion even relevant to the topic at hand? With a mood like I can't even give the gear I crafted nor can I invite them to play Hota with me. And I don't really get why she calls herself an abomination? I mean she rolled a jackpot in terms of genetics no? Her bloodline is busted. I get she has daddy issues but calling herself an abomination is a bit too much.

I mean, I get daddy issues. I can relate. Most of my memories of my previous life have been eroded by the void but I can still vaguely remember my step-father beating me until I went into unconsciousness that one time.

Ahh, bad times.

"Akira-kun don't you hate fallen angels? You were ambushed by them and nearly had your life taken by them. Why wouldn't you? I am s- "

"I don't though." That finally got Akeno to stop as she turned her head toward me in a questioning manner.

"No? But isn't that why you took those fallen angels as your slaves? Because you hate fallen angels?" How can someone misunderstand somebody else's motivations to that extent I don't understand. But I guess bias' do impact your views heavily.

"I don't hate them, at most, I viewed them as a nuisance and even that was because they tried to take my lives not because they are fallen angels. Besides I would exactly call them slaves, more like indentured servants that a never not going to be servants. In fact, due to some circumstances, I view the Grigori in a better light than the Satans."

Seriously, Sirzechs is a dick and I have every intention of making it hard for him and his entire faction, besides I still have something to settle with Grayfia now that our "contracts" are technically over, I need something new to hold over her head.

I could see Akeno's mouth hanging wide open at my words though. As if the thought hadn't occurred to her that I in fact do not hate fallen angels like she so vehemently does.

"You don't hate me?" Ah, there it is, the crux of the issue. Her low self-esteem caused by her lineage, she hates herself because she hates fallen angels and thus hates herself. So she assumes that when she reveals her nature to someone that they would hate her as well.

"*Sigh* and I thought you were the smart one." I grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her to me, making her flustered as I lowered my glasses and looked deep into her eyes.

"Akeno, after all we have been through did you really think I would hate you? Regardless of your past, who you came from, or what happened to you, you are still Akeno. And I wouldn't hate my Akeno." Akeno looked really shaken up as her mouth hung open and a blazing blush overtook her.

[+25 Affection with Akeno Himejima]

"M-my~ Akira-kun you certainly are talented at making girls fall for you aren't you?"

"I will take the compliment-" My mouth was shut by Akeno lunging at me and kissing me fiercely. Her inexperienced tongue fought against mine for dominance but I was a veteran at tongue wrestling and made her tongue submit.

Our lips were separated but a thin line of saliva still connected us both as Akeno looked at me with eyes heavy with need, lust and affection. I could still see some tears in the corner of her eyes that glistened w

"Although it is regretful I came after Buchou but I made my decision. I don't mind being your woman Akira. Besides, with Buchou already being yours it feels kind of like an affair, doesn't it? It's thrilling." Akeno said as she let her robes drop, revealing her bountiful breasts that were even larger than Rias' but.

"Koneko-chan? What happened?" I saw Akeno get mildly annoyed and distracted as I tilted my head to see Koneko standing in the doorway with an empty plate in her hands. Just as I was about to get angry from getting blueballed I saw her sad expression.

What happened?

"...I ran out of pancakes..." She said hanging her head low. I felt like wool was pulled over my head.

"Ufufu~" Akeno laughed as she looked at my twitching eyebrows.

Koneko, you fucking cucking cat.


Koneko got her pancakes. I am weak against cute things.

[ +5 Affection with Koneko ]

"You just need something of her? Nothing else?" Akeno asked incredulously as if what I stated was out of the ordinary.

"Yep, as long I have a trace of her body I can bring her soul here no problem." Rias smiled at Akeno upon hearing that.

"Thank you so much Akira, I don't know how we can thank you." Rias said honestly with an adoring expression but Akeno looked different.

"Hmm~? I think I do though~?" Akeno said in a playful tone as she covered her mouth and narrowed her eyes playfully.

I like where this is going.

A/N: Milfs are on the horizon. In this fic, we leave no Milf unaccounted for. Milfs are life, Kakyoin had the right idea. Also, Akeno is cute and one of my more liked DxD girls.

Comments, suggestions and likes motivate me to write so do that and I may be motivated to write longer chapters more often.



All i wish for is more chaps of this fic... it's also the main reason i follow this patreon channel, since i don't know many anime and LN... just classic DxD, Bleach, Naruto

Shawn Muradzi

Is the mc gonna help Asia get stronger so she’s not such a risk