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EDITED 9/24: Read the latter half of it again to see the edits. TL;DR a rude level 2 [Sharpshooter] man shows up to the dungeon and catches up to the party, who're resting after the parkour room. Thanks to John Koor for the feedback.

“You may notice some differences from the last time you cleared the dungeon,” I said.

“It is a touch more intact than it was before,” Rose joked. “Although, yeah, this is pretty different.”

The three members of M-1 were right behind me in the tunnel, peering into the first proper room through the opened door. We hadn’t entered the room proper yet, so the earth constructs and snake sculptures hadn’t quite activated yet.

“With the changes in design,” I said, activating the torches that lit the room, “came some changes in functionality.”

“Oooh,” Troy said. “This place got spruced up like crazy.”

“I like the statues,” Ryan said. “I think I like them a little less, knowing that they’re probably going to be an enemy.”

“They definitely do have magic running through them,” Troy said. “I can feel the mana pulsing through them, that’s for sure.”

Sure enough, Troy had a [Detect Magic] going. He’s learning.

“Nice job staying aware of your surroundings,” I said. Good habits had to be reinforced. “Keep it up. That might save your life someday.”

“I started doing it halfway through the [Displacer] fight,” Troy said. “It really helped when I was trying to track where it was going.”

“Keep doing it,” Ryan said. “I didn’t realize you were doing that.”

“Communicate to each other,” I said. “Communication is a critical part of any good adventuring team, you know?”

“Got it,” Rose said. “You mean, like, callouts, right?”

“Saying where enemies are, calling out what you’re doing before you do it, that kind of stuff? It makes a world of difference.”

I had to admit, I was a little surprised that I hadn’t come across a good example in this dungeon.

Then again, it kind of made sense. M-1 was new, so poor communication was to be expected. The party of epic-level adventurers had just been here to investigate and have fun, and they’d been vastly overleveled so there hadn’t been any need for communication. Finally, the order was composed almost entirely of newer knight-initiates that hadn’t been trained in adventuring, so it made sense that they weren’t prepared.

“Also, one more thing,” I warned. “Once you enter, the room will get significantly more dangerous. Be careful of the snake statues, because…”

I opened air vents, firing live stakes out of the mouths of the stone ones.

“Oh, the air vents sound almost like snakes,” Troy said. “Fun.”

“Are you ready?” Rose asked.

“Remember, Rose,” I warned. “You can’t build habits of being the most aggressive.”

“Of course,” the [Bard] replied, giving me a cheeky smile. “Ryan’s our frontliner, after all.”

“Ready,” Ryan said. “Hit me.”

Rose sang, belting out a [Song of Strength], and Ryan took off. He didn’t have a [Haste] going on him this time—that had probably been someone else’s spell taking effect on him during the [Displacer] fight, then—but he had a massive [Agility Boost] going for him. It was more powerful than before by nearly an order of magnitude, which was genuinely impressive.

There was an edge to that [Agility Boost], threads of mana tinting it a slightly different shade from usual. If I wasn’t wrong, that was the start of a spell evolution there.

It was even starting to manifest physically. As he dashed off, the shine of his magic sword leaving a glowing trace of mana in the air, there were sparks flying from his armor.

“Wow, he’s fast,” Troy said. “Probably burning insane amounts of his mana for that.”

The earth constructs were beginning to trigger, rising from the ground as designed. Not a single one of them was anywhere close to hitting him, of course, but they would obstruct the party as a whole.

One trap that the [Knight] did completely clear were the air vents. It had evidently been part of his plan, because he stayed close enough to every wall to trigger them. By using his heightened [Agility Boost], he was fast enough to activate an air vent and run past it before it could damage him. He went through the entire room in that fashion, removing almost every trap. There were a few in the ground that he hadn’t managed to clear.

Troy could’ve spotted those. I noted that for later.

After a couple seconds at his speed, though, Ryan came to a stop in one corner of the room, breathing hard.

“This spell takes a lot!” he shouted. “Give me a moment, I don’t think I can take the constructs!”

“Oh, that might be a problem,” Troy said. “Ryan! [Fireball] incoming!”

Ryan gave him a tired thumbs-up and took cover as best he could in the corner of the room.

Rose changed her song, switching her target from Ryan to Troy and swapping to a [Lesser Heavenly Note]. Troy’s spell came a moment later, a roaring sphere of heat and force with the blazing intensity of his increased level and Rose’s [Bard]ic buff packed into it.

Earth constructs were naturally resistant to fire and force both, so the fireball didn’t blow them all apart, but when the dust cleared, three of the nine constructs were broken enough to be functionally dead, and none of them had come out unscathed.

“I will note that you may have used a suboptimal spell for killing the constructs,” I told Troy.

“I know,” Troy said. “I wanted to test how hard I can go with a resisted spell. I’ve been learning ways to power them up. Also, I saw snakes.”

It had admittedly been a remarkably powerful [Fireball], I had to give him that.

“You did kill every snake in the area,” I noted, using my dungeon senses to confirm the fact. “I suppose that does make it a good choice.”

“Besides,” Troy said. “We have follow-up. Ryan!”

“Ready!” the [Knight] shouted back, having caught his breath.

Rose swapped back to the [Song of Strength], and Ryan moved. It wasn’t quite enough to blur his figure—[Haste] had been applied to him along with some other buffs when he’d managed to do that during the [Displacer] battle—but he was far faster than the earth constructs, which meant he got free blow after free blow on them. No [Adamantium Strike]s in this room, which made sense. He’d only had three of them per day, last I’d checked, and though that number might’ve increased, it was still smart to conserve resources.

Ryan was graceful even in full plate, his movements fluid as if he was wearing nothing at all. I wondered why he hadn’t brought the plate to the first delve—after all, as part of an order of knights, he should’ve had access to it—but that didn’t matter right now. What matteres was that he handled the armor and sword like he’d been born to it, dodging slow strikes and slashing away at his enemies.

One down, two down, three down, four, and then that was all but two of them dead. Ryan retreated again, the golden sparks of mana he’d been trailing behind him fading. When he came to a stop again, he was leaning on his sword.

Troy got halfway through forming a spell, then paused. “Attacking again! You’re good!”

“Yeah, that happens,” I commented. “Forgetting to communicate is super common. Don’t worry about it too much yet, but make sure you keep working on it.”

“Got it,” Troy said, and he fired his [Manaburst].

At fourth level, he was a good deal more powerful than he’d been the last time I’d seen him fire this spell, and the intensity of the sky blue laserbeam reflected that. This time, it fired two beams instead of one, each of them directed at a separate construct.

With the damage that had already been dealt to them, both of them crumbled apart near instantly.

“Huh,” Rose said. “That’s new.”

“It’s a level-up upgrade,” Troy said. “Certain low-level spells will increase their damage or quantity when a [Wizard] or similar spellcasting-focused class gets to certain levels.”

“Congratulations on clearing the first room,” I said. “If you would like, you may proceed.”

“Wait, hold on,” Troy said. “I turned my [Detect Magic] back on, and there’s still something in the ground, uh…”

He cast a [Minor Illusion], forming bright red arrows in the air to indicate the areas he was speaking of. “Here, there, and there.”

“Just don’t walk there,” Rose said. “C’mon. Let’s go.”

It was a far cry from their first time clearing the first room. Then, they’d seen the unexpected and nearly died to their first snakes, and they’d been little more than an uncoordinated mess. Now, while they were still a touch uncoordinated and definitely still had a long way to go, they were stepping it up, and their individual power levels had advanced to the point of this room not even being a threat to them anymore.

I doubted any of this dungeon would be a threat. I wondered what I could do to make it one. They were at the upper end of the level range that was expected to take on this dungeon, but their unique attributes kind of trivialized the challenges I could throw at them.

“The amount of improvement you’ve shown these past few weeks has been incredible,” I said. “Props to you three.”

“Thanks,” Rose said. “I know Ryan and Troy have put a lot of practice in.”

“Don’t think we can’t hear you trying to exclude yourself,” Ryan said. “You’ve put in as much work as any of us.”

“I’m just singing and playing,” Rose said. “It’s what I do. What I’ve always done.”

“And training to be a [Knight] is what I’ve always done,” Ryan said. “Studying under the tutelage of his teacher is basically Troy’s life story.”

“Fine, fine,” Rose said. “Anyway, we good to move onto the next room?”

“Let’s go,” I said. “This one is largely unchanged. You should be able to clear it pretty easily.”

The tunnel transition was really valuable, I was growing to realize. It was a little thing, but it helped in making it feel more like an actual dungeon instead of a random cave with monsters in it.

Not that there were many monsters in the parkour room. I’d put the least effort into making this one fancy, though I’d implemented a few changes. The most obvious of them were the snake designs on the rock cannons as well as the pieces that adventurers could parkour on.

“There is one change,” I said. “When too many adventurers use a certain path…”

I cut a platform loose from the rock wall, letting the mass of stone fall into the water with a massive impact, water geysering up from it and falling over all four of us like we were in the splash zone at Seaworld.

“Argh, that’s cold,” Rose said. “Good to know, though.”

“Hey, Ryan,” Troy said. “Remember what we discussed?”

“Seriously?” the [Knight] said. “You want to do that now?”

“C’mon, you’ve got the skills to do it. It’ll be fun!”

“For you,” Ryan grumbled. “Fine. Let’s get it over with.”

Ryan bent his knees, holding himself closer to the ground, and for a moment I wasn’t quite sure what they were going to do.

My silent question was answered a moment later when Troy hopped on to Ryan’s back, clambering onto the plate armor and holding onto his shoulders and back.

“Ready, set…” Ryan muttered, building up mana.

“Boosting,” Rose said, adding a [Lesser Heavenly Note] to help his spell.

Ryan activated his enhanced [Agility Boost] and took off. He was noticeably slower than before—well, duh, he was carrying a whole man on his back—but he was still far faster than a normal human sprint should be, his armor glowing as he ran across the parkour setup.

With that amount of speed and mana, he practically didn’t care about physics. Instead of leaping to a monkey-bar-like outcropping of rock to make it to the next part of the course, he just ran sideways on the wall, heedless of silly little things like gravity.

As he took off, my dungeons senses triggered two rooms behind us, drawing my attention away from the sprinting [Knight] and towards the safe zone.

Fuck, that’s not normal. This hadn’t happened during any of the other tours. To be fair, I probably should’ve thought of a way to handle this before, but I hadn’t thought it would be important when there was literally only one adventuring party in the area.

Should I just block the wall off? For other dungeons, there were usually Guild members that would prevent people from entering while there was a clear currently going on unless the party inside desperately needed help. That provision was largely because adventuring parties wanted to keep as much of any given dungeon’s loot to themselves as possible, but it did mean that every form of entrance control I’d seen had been done through people, not through any mechanism of the dungeon.

That meant that sealing the entrance up—something that would definitely out me as a dungeon far from the norm, perhaps enough to be reinvestigated—was out.

What was stopping me from just letting him in? The adventurer was a level 2 [Sharpshooter], probably a little older than me. Someone who’d started training their class late, apparently, which wasn’t great news when his class was one designed solely for combat.

Eh, fuck it. I was sure M-1 would be able to handle having a new newbie with them, and the first room was clear of anything that would kill him while I wasn’t there to heal him. I’d let him wander in.

I turned my attention back just in time to see Ryan and Troy suspended in mid-air, halfway through a leap as a boulder soared towards them.

Rose sang, a frantic note in her voice as a [Song of Displacement] tore the boulder aside, slamming it into a wall.

“Fuck me, that was too close,” she said.

Ryan stumbled when he landed, but Troy somehow managed to keep his grip. After another tense moment or two of readjustment, he finished the course. Behind him, half of the route he’d just run dropped into the water, killing a bunch of my snakes in the process.

Yeah, I need to rethink that bit.

“How are you planning on getting over?” I asked.

“Same way I said I could last time,” Rose said. “Wanna come with?”

“Uh, okay?” I wasn’t quite sure what that entailed, but—

The blue-haired [Bard] grabbed me around the waist and sang.

The first [Song of Displacement] sent us soaring upwards and forwards, launching us at a forty-five degree angle to the ground. We came close enough to the bottom of a platform that I could feel the tip of my hair brush against it, but thankfully Rose was competent enough not to kill us both.

The spell wasn’t enough to send us all the way, so Rose cast it again, throwing us into the air once more. This time, there were no obstructions but the ground, but we did end up hitting it at speed. [Divine Healer] kept me from getting much more than a bit of a soreness in my legs as I landed.

“Ow, fuck, I think I broke my ankle,” Rose said.

I moved to heal her, but she’d already started singing, using a [Song of Rest] on herself.

“Ahhh, that’s better. I know, Lucas, I shouldn’t be wasting healing spells. That’s my bad.”

“So long as you know,” I said. “Now hold on for just a few moments, okay? There’s someone new coming to join you.”

“New people?” Troy asked, suspicious. “Are they Kingsguard?”

“Person, not people, and not as far as I can tell. I’d love to progress, but the dungeon is telling me that I need to pick him up, so I’ll be right back.”

I [Reshape]d a path for myself, forming a small bridge across the water.

“Woah,” Troy said. “Is that you doing that? You have that power?”

“The dungeon’s doing it,” I clarified. “Since I’m bound to it, we have some level of communication.”

Which was technically true, if “some level of communication” meant “I talk to myself.”

I stepped across the bridge, and by the time I made it back to the parkour room’s door, the new man had already kicked it open.

The [Sharpshooter] walked through, a man wearing a sturdy coat and thick brown goggles.

With my dungeon senses, I could see under his lenses as he glared at me.

“Hi!” I greeted him with a wave.

He didn’t wave back. “Who the hell are you?”


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