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I just had to ask for trouble, didn’t I?

The sun was still pink on the horizon, the early-morning breeze cold but comfortable as it brushed against my skin. In the distance, animals of some kind or another—I couldn’t tell if they were mundane or magical from this distance—lazily wandered around the fields, grazing on grass as they went about their day.

And there were five people at the dungeon entrance.

Granted, those five people were M-1 plus Iris and Lisa, so it wasn’t like I was under attack or anything, but for them to show up at the ass crack of dawn almost certainly meant that there was trouble.

“Good morning,” I greeted them. “What brings you here today?”

“Good morning,” Lisa said. “This room has been remodeled.”

“Dungeon felt like it, I guess.” I’d had some spare time, so I’d made the safe room into something more convenient to use. Everything was still rock, obviously, but I’d smoothed some of the outcroppings into benches, and I’d placed torches with [Create Fire]s around the place to light it up a little better.

“Yes, it’s quite nice,” Iris said. “We have a problem.”

“Of course we do,” I said. “What’s wrong?”

Iris and Rose both looked harried. They were as well put-together as ever, their clothes and posture still all prim and proper, but there were subtle flaws to their composure that betrayed what must’ve been a somewhat sleepless night. Rose’s hair was messier than usual, Iris had the slightest trace of bags under her eyes, and both of them were breathing ever so slightly harder than they typically did.

At a guess, they’d probably returned from wherever they’d been traveling over the course of a single night.

Fuck me, noticing all that makes me feel like a stalker. It wasn’t entirely my fault that [Divine Healer] combined with the dungeon senses let me pick out physical details this minute, but it felt weird to notice all of them.

“I have,” Iris began, speaking slowly like she was picking out each word before using it, “experienced a sudden—“

“One of mom’s towns burned down,” Rose cut in. “The dungeon broke when it shouldn’t have, and—“

“—there was significant Kingsguard movement in the area,” Iris finished, giving Rose a look.

“Wait, you’re saying it was an attack?” I asked. “Invasion?”

“Not invasion,” Iris said. “They were scouts. Strong scouts, but scouts nevertheless.”

“Still, isn’t that cause for war?” I asked.

“There’s always a cause for war,” the [Tactician] replied. “I would know. Despite that, there will never be an official war between the kingdom and the Omen in the south. It’s politically inconvenient, and the people need to be kept calm.”

“Of course,” Troy said. “There’s always skirmishes at the border, but nobody hears of those. My teacher relays me information sometimes.”

“Other branches of my order fight the Kingsguard often,” Ryan added. “This one… less so.”

“The point is,” Iris said, “that this is not cause for war, and will most likely be silenced.”

“That’s sufficiently terrifying and all, but what does that have to do with me? I’m bound to this dungeon. If you need healing or maybe resources from the dungeon, I can give you some, but that’s it.”

“I’m informing you of this because it means we need to change the deal around some. The timetable for Alder Corp to build a town here has moved up.”

“We have a load of adventurers who just lost their adventuring base coming through,” Lisa added. “Even once I get the Guild trainees, the Ketz Guild is heavily underequipped.”

“I’m perfectly fine with you building the town ahead of time. Uhh… are you equipped to do that?”

“Alder Corp has plenty of people with spells for rapid construction. It’s not ideal, but when combined with my [Tactician] class, it will be enough for a pop-up town.”

“I spoke to Jion about it,” Ryan said. “He said that if an adventurer base opens, we can start shifting the branch to support it.”

“And I’m just here because these other two are,” Troy said. “I believe it goes without saying, but I’m in. More adventurers mean more spells I can learn.”

“This works,” I said. “What’s the timetable looking like?”

“A day,” Iris said. “They are currently waiting for a ritual circle of [Mass Teleport] to be available for usage again.”

“Got it,” I said. “Wait, one day? You can manage a town in that much time?”

“Absolutely,” Iris said. “The question is if you’re ready for an influx. Under ideal circumstances, we would’ve slowly introduced more people to the area instead of dumping in another dungeon’s adventurers all at once.”

“I think I can manage.”

“Good,” the [Tactician] said, nodding. She was already using her spells, activating a [Blueprint] before turning away. “I’d love to stay for longer, but time is of the utmost importance. I will return soon.”

Just like that, Iris Alder was off, leaving me with Lisa and M-1.

“Okay, I understand why Rose and Lisa are here,” I said. “Iris is your mom, and Lisa is the Guild’s representative for this area. But Ryan and Troy? Why are you here? It’s so early.”

“I could ask the same of you,” Ryan said, vaguely amused. “Are you just here all day?”

“Dungeonbound work differently, Ryan,” Troy said. “There’s some magical effect to them that means they either have a reduced need to sleep or just don’t need to sleep.”

“Oh. Huh. Anyway, Lucas, the reason I’m up is because the order does early morning training before dawn.”

“And I’m up because I was trying to catch a [Firelight Wisp]. They’re only active in the mornings, and my teacher told me that getting them would be handy for using more fire spells.”

I sighed. “You know, fair enough.”

These guys were really so much. They all had stupidly powerful skills, but nobody would deny the fact that they were incredibly dedicated to what they did.

Imagine what they’re going to be like in a few years.

I couldn’t wait.

“I think I’ll take my leave now as well,” Lisa said. “Have fun, you four. I should go get the Guild ready to coordinate with Lady Alder.”

“Good luck,” I said, waving as she left again.

“Rose, have you seen Iris set up a town before?” I asked.

“Ooh, hearing my mom’s name from your mouth feels weird,” Rose said. “And yeah, I have.”

“Can I ask why she didn’t just set up the town in the previous dungeon again?”

“The dungeon isn’t usable anymore,” Rose said. “After it broke and destroyed pretty much the whole town—not too many casualties from the break, thankfully, we got them evacuated fast enough—I went inside with a bunch of other adventurers. The Dungeon Core was dead.”

“Well, shit,” I said. “That’s… ominous.”

“We’re pretty sure it was the Kingsguard who did it,” Rose said. “There were a fair few of their scouts fighting us in the town. There’s no reason there wouldn’t be more of them to take down the core afterwards. We were able to capture or kill most of them at the cost of several adventurers taking some serious injuries, but we might not have gotten all of them.”

“Any casualties?” I asked.

“Two, but we had [Healer]s on-site that were able to [Revivify] both of them,” Rose said. “It cost a bunch, but a human life is worth a lot more than money. Even Mom can agree on that point.”

“That’s good. Hopefully the town will be able to have a better time here,” I said. “If anything like that happens here—not a dungeon break, hopefully, since that would probably mean I’m dead—then feel free to bring the wounded to me. I heal fast, and I don’t charge.”

“Oh, Mom’s going to love that,” Rose said, laughing. “Don’t let her know.”

“It’s fine,” I said. “Your mom seems pretty alright.”

“She is, she’s just a bit much occasionally,” the [Bard] replied.

“Rose,” Troy cut in. “Are you not going to mention your level?”

“Shit, I totally forgot,” Rose said. “Long night.”

Oh, she’d leveled? That was good. I’d had concerns that I might have to adjust the dungeon differently because of lopsided levels, so having all three of them on the same page was basically optimal.

“You three also forgot to tell me that you got a name for your party,” I said, grinning. “When were you planning to let me know?”

“It’s a work in progress,” Ryan said.

“I brought the idea up, as usual,” Rose said. “We’re not completely sure on it, but it’s what we’ve got for now. How’d you find out?”

“Lisa told me,” I said. “Minus One?”

“Yep,” Rose said. “Which is a mouthful, so it’ll probably get shortened.”

“I have indeed been saying M-1,” I agreed.

“The name will change if we get a full healer,” Rose said. “Maybe something real, maybe something stupid.”

“Full healer? Do you have a partial one?”

“I got some healing spells by hitting third level,” Rose said. “They’re not a substitute for real healing yet, but they help patch the gap.”

“That’s good,” I said. “That means you’re more squishy in the party composition now, understand? You already were, since you’re generally a support [Bard], but now with healing, you cannot ever be the first one to go down.”

“Gotcha,” Rose said. “I will try to keep that in mind.”

“What did you two get, by the way?” I asked, gesturing towards Ryan and Troy.

“I upgraded [Agility Boost], among other things,” Ryan said. “And my innate skill powered up. I can sacrifice physical stamina to boost my mana output for my speed skills.”

“So you’re going towards a faster build then,” I said. “Makes sense, given what I saw during the fight. Fast and defensive is a bit of an odd combo, but I suppose having the power of your magic sword helps you with the offense.”


“And Troy?”

“I put all my points from the level-up into powering [Reconstitute] and increasing my mana,” Troy said. “I wouldn’t have had a high enough proficiency in the spell to use it properly otherwise.”

That made sense. [Reconstitute] was notoriously hard to use, requiring the caster to have a deep understanding of the elements of magic driving the spell or effect they were trying to replicate, and even then it had a high failure rate. The fact that Troy was able to use it at such a low level during an active combat situation was incredibly impressive.

“Well,” I said. “How much time do you have free?”

“The rest of the day,” Rose said.

“The order’s training isn’t mandatory. I have as much time as we need.”

“And my teacher doesn’t expect me back for a few hours.”

“Want to test those new abilities out?” I suggested.

I was met with a chorus of affirmations.

It was time to take them on another tour.


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