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“This might take some time to explain,” Lisa said. “I would advise we take a moment to recollect ourselves first.”

I could understand what she really meant by that. She couldn’t act all informal in front of so many other people who might be involved in the Guild in some way, so I was pretty sure she was essentially telling me that ‘hey, I just got stabbed, please give me a moment,’ which—yeah. That was fair.

“Can do,” I said. “But please do give me an explanation. It shouldn’t be an everyday occurrence for this to happen.”

I gestured around us, pointing at the soft grass and loamy soil that’d replaced much of the hard rock floor.

“It certainly is a deviation from the norm,” she agreed. Lisa looked like she wanted to say more, but instead she sighed and sat down, using her blade as a support to balance herself.

“I’ll give you some time,” I said, passing one final [Rejuvenating Pulse] into her.

I wandered over to where Ryan, Troy, and the knights were. The [Knight] was remarkably resilient, I’d give him that. He’d woken up in a matter of minutes, and even after passing out from mana overuse and vastly overexerting his body, he seemed to have most of his usual energy.

Earlier, the order had been right next to him, but they were keeping a bit of a distance from him now, evidently not wanting to overcrowd Ryan.

“Hi Lucas,” the [Knight] said. He was sitting up straight now, munching on the trail mix that Troy had brought him. “Sorry for just, y’know, barging in here.”

“Not a problem,” I said. “You saved lives.”

“I did, huh?” he said, huffing out a breath. “Just doing my job.”

“We must return to the order,” an older man said. My dungeon senses identified him as the [Elite Knight]. “There is work to be done and a report to be given. I thank you deeply for healing me in my time of peril and for enabling our pupil to achieve his full potential.”

“Would you like to return, Ryan?” another one of the knights said. “You have done well today. This deserves celebration.”

“You go on ahead, sir,” Ryan said, giving him a crisp salute. “I’ll not be too long behind you, but you need rest as well.”

“We will be expecting you,” the [Elite Knight] said, nodding slowly. “You have earned your rest. Let us depart.”

“I will return, sir,” Ryan said. He sounded more put together when talking to his order. More formal. “I look forward to it.”

As one, the mass of knights started filing out of the safe zone. As they left, I caught the sound of the [Elite Knight] yelling at someone who must’ve been the [Eldritch Lancer].

“And you! Don’t think you’ve escaped my notice. When we get back to the order…”

“Was that your entire order?” I asked Ryan.

He shook his head. “It was real hectic, so I didn’t explain it the best.”

“That’s fine,” I said. “We have plenty of time now.”

“That was less than a third of my order,” Ryan said. “When we got the warning, we thought it was weaker than it actually was. Our lookout reported that it wasn’t much of a threat, so Jion—er, I mean, the [Elite Knight] I had with me—took some newer knights with him, which included me, the newest one. We didn’t even bring healers, that’s how low the lookout placed the threat at. By the time we got there, the threat had grown. We were able to send someone back to get the Guild, but the Guild…”

“We’re undermanned, by which I mean that the Ketz Guild is currently composed of literally me and the paper pushers,” Lisa said, having overheard our conversation. “Ketz doesn’t need a strong Guild presence, and everyone who comes here just tries to cozy up to the politicians and businesspeople in an attempt to make sure their next post is somewhere nice and prestigious. I’m one of the few long-term personnel here, and it just so happened that my next wave of support is still in a training facility twenty-five miles from here.”

“And that’s why you didn’t catch the dungeon break?” I asked.

“Our lookout said it wasn’t within Guild jurisdiction,” Ryan said, confused.

“It is,” Lisa said. “Just not mine. The next one over should’ve caught it.”

“One coincidence is misfortune,” Troy opined. “Two is suspicious. Three…”

“Three is enemy action,” Ryan finished. “I didn’t have the time to confirm with, er, sorry…”

“Lisa,” the [Spellblade] said. “Lisa Seastrider. Local Guild rep.”

“Right,” Ryan said. He didn’t seem particularly enthused, which might’ve been because she’d threatened to kill me the last time he’d seen her.

“Lisa’s cool,” I told him. “You can chill.”

“Sure,” he said. His shoulders relaxed just a tiny bit. Not much, but he made a conscious effort, at least.

“Right, I forgot to say,” I said, placing a hand on Ryan’s shoulder. “Good fucking work, you two. This fight would’ve been lost if not for the two of you, and even a lesser [Displacer] is meant to be fought by a party of people far above your level.”

“It was nothing, really,” Ryan said. “I needed to be faster, so… I just picked what would work with that.”

“Oh, I was cool as shit out there,” Troy said, practically bouncing at the praise. “Did you see me? I got a level-up and everything, and then I fuckin’ reconstituted that thing’s spell from scratch! My teacher’s gonna be so happy.”

“They sure are,” I said, smiling. These guys are insane. First Rose with her otherworlder skill, now Ryan with an incredible dedication to his skillset and Troy with magic skills that outclassed basically anyone I’d seen. All three of them could punch well above their weight level, and they could do it almost casually.

Who were these people? I knew that Rose was an otherworlder, but what secret were these other two hiding that had let them become this powerful? They didn’t quite dwarf Lisa in strength, but their situational capabilities were just so damn good.

“I will point out that these two did not exactly use their talents in the optimal manner.”

“You’re such a downer, Lisa,” I said, my tone light enough to let her know it was a joke. “But she’s right. I won’t knock you on it because you were both deeply underleveled for the fight, but there were a few mistakes that you made. The biggest of them was that Troy basically left himself defenseless, didn’t attack for the majority of the fight, and was rarely guarded.”

“The dungeon covered me.” Troy’s statement earned me a significant look from Lisa.

I shrugged. “And I was there to heal you as well. That doesn’t mean that there’s always going to be a dungeon that protects you or a—not to too my own horn or anything—really powerful healer to keep you alive.”

“Understood,” Troy said. “I’ll keep it in mind.”

“I too,” Ryan said. “I should’ve been trying to protect him as well as Jion.”

“Anyway,” Ryan said, growing serious again. “This is a problem.”

“It is,” Lisa agreed. “For something this major to go unnoticed…”

“It wouldn’t be that hard to misinform us, I don’t think,” Troy said. “Rose would know better, but I’m pretty sure a few bribes and secret agents is enough for something of this scale to happen.”

“Where is Rose, by the way?” I asked. “She’s usually with you.”

“Her mom took her traveling,” Ryan said. “Business, apparently.”

Of course. If Rose didn’t level up on her trip, that would make her the only one of the adventurers still at level 2, which might be a bit of a problem. I would need to plan around that.

“If you’re wondering why I came with,” Troy said, “it was because my ol—my teacher, I mean—yeah, he told me he had an errand for me to run. Every time he has one of those, it’s something brutally life threatening, but he said I’d get some secret spells for it, so I went for the ride.”

I stared for a second, words failing to leave my mouth. With a teacher like that, no wonder Troy didn’t fear fighting above his level.

“Alright,” I said. “So we see an underprepared, misinformed response. Why and who?”

“Almost certainly the Omen,” Lisa said. There was a weight to her words, as if the name itself was dangerous enough to thicken the air. “His activity has been increasing lately.”

“How, though?” Troy asked. “The amount of effort to make a dungeon break isn’t very high, yeah, but how did he know this dungeon in particular would break? How did he hide the dungeon from us?”

“Like you said, money and human resources?” Ryan suggested. “I don’t actually know.”

“There has been an unexplained increase in activity in certain areas recently,” Lisa said. “Dungeon breaks that occur in a single day instead of over the course of months. Missing adventurers. Rabid monsters. This isn’t classified information, but it’s not easy to find, either.”

“Are they really?” Ryan asked. “Wait, that makes sense as to why Rose went traveling, then. More opportunities for her mom.”

“What I’m saying is that it’s possible that this is his reach,” Lisa said. “I’ve brought it up before, but I don’t know how seriously they’re taking me.”

“Wait, hold on,” I said, the implications of that taking root in my mind. “That would mean—“

“That the Omen and his Kingsguard have infiltrated much of the kingdom, yes,” Lisa said. “That’s precisely why I believe my superiors won’t listen to me. It seems ridiculous.”

“I’ve seen stranger things,” Troy said. “I wouldn’t be that surprised.”

“How can we even do anything about this?” I asked. “Well, by we, I mean you, since I can’t actually leave this place.”

“Kingsguard have already attempted to invade this dungeon twice,” Lisa said. “I don’t think they’re targeting this place, but I also doubt that you will fail to play a role. Soon enough, we will establish our own Guild outpost here, which I wish I could say would eliminate the Kingsguard threat from the area, but after today’s events…”

“I’ll stay on guard,” I said. “I can keep the dungeon from breaking, at least, so don’t worry about that coming from me.”

“Thank you,” Lisa said. “As for the rest of us.”

“My teacher’s been talking of doing some investigative work,” Troy said. “Might be I’ll join him.”

“The order will not let this matter rest,” Ryan said. “You might be able to join us when the higher-ups inevitably decide to look into the matter.”

“I can organize some response,” Lisa said. “The timing of the personnel swap and the trainees taking too long is entirely too suspicious.”

“You’ll all be leaving?” I asked.

“No,” Troy said. “This is all stuff we do already, just pointed in a different direction. I traveled with my teacher from the west end of the kingdom to the east in the single day before I cleared this dungeon for the first time.”

“It’s a bit of a deviation,” Ryan said. “But once Rose comes back in a few days, we’ll definitely come back. We still don’t have a healer, and the order’s healers aren’t willing to adventure with us, so I think we’re going to focus on improving our party through the use of this dungeon first and foremost.”

“We’ll be back for sure,” Troy said. “For the time being, I think we need to recover and plan with our… external parties, I guess?”

“I’ll be waiting here,” I said. “Always will be. Come back soon, yeah?”

“Of course,” the [Apprentice Mage] replied. “It’s been too long since we took a proper tour.”

The two M-One members left soon after, departing with another promise to return.

That left just me and Lisa, and she seemed just about ready to go now.

“I have nothing to tell you that was not already discussed,” she said. “Will there be any changes in the dungeon due to this?”

“There shouldn’t be,” I said, bringing back the interface messages that I’d so casually dismissed earlier. “I’ll keep you updated.”

“I’ll come around tomorrow,” she said, and she took her leave as well.


It was time to see what this level up had brought me.


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