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“Fuck!” Ryan shouted.

Time slowed down, my dungeon-half and human-half working in harmony to think as fast as possible so that I could figure out how to heal the [Elite Knight] while also processing the situation.

[Displace] was a damn powerful skill from a damn powerful monster that definitely shouldn’t have been in an area like this, especially not without going noticed. How the hell had the Guild managed to overlook something this powerful for this long? How had it been allowed to undergo a dungeon break?

I could dwell on that later. Right now, I had to examine what my next steps were.

The environment was slowly being replaced, though thankfully that effect only applied to the ground and didn’t fully take away my ability to [Reshape] it, although it certainly made it harder.

The spell that every [Displacer] innately knew allowed it to travel vast distances in a blink of an eye. By ‘marking’ a target with it, it could teleport itself and the area immediately around it, replacing the target location and essentially bringing the fight to them.

In this case, Ryan had been marked. I didn’t fault him for not noticing—the battle must have been hectic.

The [Displacer] itself was a monstrous aberration, a mess of tentacles and eye sockets with a central body that propelled itself through the air with a highly efficient [Levitate]. The core body itself had to be five or six feet across, and that increased when it opened its gaping maw to suck in air, dirt, and potentially people. With its tentacles factored in, it had to be at least twenty feet from one end to the other.

Thankfully, we weren’t alone. The downside of [Displace] was that it didn’t select what it brought, which meant that as the [Displacer] finished materializing into the air, our allies followed it.

One, two, three… seven, eight, nine. It’d brought nine people with it. Of those, seven were dressed in the same armor that Ryan and the [Elite Knight] were wearing, and the interface told me they were all [Knight]s of some flavor.

The last two were Lisa and Troy.

As I finished taking in the situation, I realized that it was a bit more complex than I had taken it for, and then I had to adapt as time started moving as fast as my thoughts did.

Almost faster than I could see, the [Displacer] struck out, a long, spiked tentacle snapping out towards me at the speed of sound.

A moment passed by, and I was still unhurt. I opened my eyes, barely realizing that I’d closed them in instinct to brace for impact, and I saw Ryan standing in front of me, a glowing [Knight’s Shield] projected out of his right arm.

He’d blocked the blow. Not only had he blocked the blow, he’d been fast enough to get from behind me to in front of me before I could even react. In the process of doing so, he’d unveiled a spell that I was sure he hadn’t had the last time he’d cleared this dungeon.

They’re so strong. I smiled, thinking of the ways they could be refined. If they were this powerful without proper adventurer training, I’d be able to turn them into proper nightmares for any dungeon out there.

“Stay behind me,” Ryan said, controlling the quiver in his voice. “I’ll protect you.”

“Protect Jion,” I said. “I’ll be fine.”


The [Displacer] lashed out again, targeting a [Shield Knight]. The knight in question tanked the blow, their armor holding up admirably through the use of a [Fortify] spell.

“No buts,” I said. “Pretend he’s your healer.”

“You’re the healer.”

“And you should always protect the healer, but I’m different.” I said. I won’t die if a stray tentacle comes my way, and I won’t stay dead if it gets lucky.

“Fine,” he said, immediately pivoting to the downed [Elite Knight]’s position.

Good. I had just about figured what I could do before the [Displacer] came, so I set myself on starting that, bringing in [Greater Restoration] after [Greater Restoration] and filling in the gaps with [Rejuvenating Pulse]. The former spell would help alleviate some of the aftereffects that shunting his flesh into otherspace would’ve caused, and the latter simply accelerated natural healing processes instead of magically creating new flesh.

The tradeoff for the spell, of course, was that it was much slower at healing. Most other types of healing spells would fail because of the uniqueness of the [Displacer]’s attack, so this was what I had left.

At the same time, I started considering how I would manipulate the dungeon to help kill this thing. I wasn’t going to try anything tricky with falling stalactites, because I knew how [Displacer]s worked. Their whole gimmick was centered around creative use of the terrain and fast travel, and dropping a rock on it was a pretty terrible idea when the tentacled horror could [Displace] an ally of mine into the path of my attack.

The battle reflected that. The [Displacer] was never in one place for longer than five seconds at a time, and it kept spamming [Lesser Displace]. Even as I watched, Lisa swung her blade at half her usual power, emboldening it with the same [Enemy Attunement] that had swept its way through the entirety of my dungeon, and then she stopped mid-strike.

Just in time, too. Where before there were tentacles, there was now a determined-looking Troy, ripped away from his previous position at the corner of the room. He’d traded places with the monster.

The [Apprentice Mage] looked across the room and locked eyes with me

“It’s on a cooldown!” he shouted. “It can’t trade places more than once every ten seconds!”

“Good to know!” I shouted back. “Good info-gathering! It’s critical in a fight!”

Alright. I’d done about as much as I could for Jion as I could, draining half my mana in the process. It was time to focus on the fight.

Ten seconds, he’d said. Maybe five had passed since his words.

[Displacer]s all had a cooldown of some kind. Knowing when they would use their innate spells and when they would attack was the first key to killing them.

I waited the remaining five seconds before acting, but the others didn’t, converging on the [Displacer] as one. When it replaced one of their number—a [Shadow Knight] that I didn’t recognize—the member of the order closest to the beast attacked immediately. A moment later, a second strike hit it, so fast I almost thought it was the same knight attacking twice.

It wasn’t. Ryan, that glorious motherfucker, had struck it with all the speed he could possibly carry, and with one singular strike and a [Decapitating Blow] from his sword, he managed to slice off most of a tentacle.

“Level up!” Ryan called out. He didn’t elaborate.

Good. This wasn’t the ideal situation to level up in, but a party member leveling up was also pretty much the most surefire way to increase our odds at winning this fight.

For my part, I grew rock from above and below, trying to squeeze the core body into submission. It kind of worked, even, and it certainly did limit its movement, but by no means did it wholly stop it. It was slippery, the bastard, and its tentacles made quick work of a couple of the rocks that held onto it, but even as it destroyed its bindings I created more. It was rough on my mana, but the drain was being more than recouped by the gains I got as errant fragments of boulders slammed into the monster’s tentacles, eyes, and maw.

Not a moment too soon, either. In any fight as messy and large-scale as this, people were bound to make mistakes, and one of those came almost immediately after a growth of rock almost completely stuck it in place.

“Swap!” Troy shouted, preparing another spell.

Someone didn’t hear him well enough, because a [Eldritch Lancer] came sprinting towards the monster full throttle, their [Eldritch Spear] at the ready, and when the [Displacer] moved, the knight wasn’t ready for it.

Lisa took the hit, a powerful spell invoking that which lay beyond human comprehension to form a spear of pure wrongness, and it impaled her straight through the chest.

Half a second later, the [Eldritch Lancer] had been whisked away, their spell-drenched lance gone with them. Ryan. I could sense him sprinting through the place, a new spell—an improvement to [Agility Boost]? I couldn’t quite tell yet—bolstering his speed to insane levels.

Half a second after that, an impact hit me and the world blurred.

When things were normal again, I was right next to Lisa.

“Thank you, Ryan,” I said, and then I started doing my job.

“No problem,” the [Knight] replied, coming to a stop right next to me. He swayed on his feet for a second, then fell flat on his face.

Fuck. He’d been massively helpful in the brief few seconds he’d been that fast—hell, the [Eldritch Spear] might’ve killed Lisa if it hadn’t been taken out in time—but he was still just level 3 after his levelup. His mana was finite, and so was his stamina.

“I have you,” I said to nobody, and I started healing. Ryan was fine but for his exhausted reserves, so I left him alone for now.

I focused on Lisa, using [Spare the Dying] for the umpteenth time and following it up with a [Healing Stream] and a [Cure Wounds]. The combination of the [Spare the Dying] and the [Cure Wounds] was enough to keep her conscious, at least, and the [Healing Stream] would passively restore her to full over the course of a minute.

Assuming the fight even lasted that long. The [Lesser Displace] was too powerful a tool for people of this level. None of the members of the order save Jion the [Elite Knight] were above level 10, which put Lisa as the strongest active fighter, and she had to hold back lest she accidentally kill another.

I started throwing up barriers, using rock to take the blow of the displacing tentacle strikes in place of armor. Thankfully, it looked like nobody except Jion had actually taken a direct hit from the [Displacer], so I was able to keep everyone on their feet with [Healing Stream]s.

It was a losing battle.

I was going to have to get them out of here, wasn’t I? Come up with some excuse for them to evacuate and then bring the ceiling down on the [Displacer], hoping it didn’t use its mark to run away at the last second?

I opened my mouth, ready to make my request, but another man’s voice filled the air first.

“I got it!” Troy shouted, sounding every bit the excited child. “Here!”

He pointed his stick—his arcane focus, excuse me—at the [Displacer], and he…

Troy marked it.

He marked it with its own fucking signature.

“One moment,” he muttered, brow furrowed in concentration. “Here!”

One of the order’s knights started glowing red.

“He’s the next swap!” Troy shouted, pointing at the glowing armor. “Get ready!”

A second passed, and Troy threw a [Fireball] at the tentacles.

The [Displacer] swapped places, and this time it was met by Lisa’s blade.

“Checkmate, bastard,” the [Spellblade] snarled, her face still flecked with her own blood.

The fight was pretty much decided from there. It still [Lesser Displace]d a few times, but with its swap targets always highlighted, it was a cinch to attack it.

After a minute or two more, the beast was on its last legs, all but two of its tentacles fully eliminated and its core body was bleeding heavily.

The [Displacer] started gathering mana.

“It’s running!” Troy shouted, aiming his arcane focus at it, and—

And then I felt a still body rise to its feet. A shining blade sprouted through the beast’s maw, and the mana dispersed.

Ryan promptly collapsed again, and this time it was the order rushing to his side instead of the other way around. Troy got there before any of the knights did, procuring a bag of dry snacks from somewhere to hand to his friend.

As the [Displacer] fell into the ground, I felt something shift in the air.

[Level up!]

[New spells available!]

I dismissed them. I could always level up later. For now, there were more important thigns to answer.

I strode towards Lisa, and she greeted me with a small wave.

“Hi,” the exhausted [Spellblade] said.

I gave her a nod, then took a deep breath. A three count inhale, a four count exhale, and then I was calm enough to speak.

“What the fuck just happened?”


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