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Happy Pride, everyone!

As you've probably gathered, I'm having a bit of a busy time of it but here is a very small, belated progress update...

I've finished drafting Chapter 11! It's been a long haul and some of it has definitely had me reminding myself "perfection is the enemy of done", but it's down on the page which I'm delighted about.

July will be my time to get on with writing Chapter 12... and then, bizarrely, I'll be done until I get my editorial notes back!

Current wordcount: 476651 words

Average playthrough wordcount: 89817 words

Three-week-ish wordcount: 35,006 words

Will this end up being my first game that breaks 500,000 words? I think it might.

Thank you for your patience as I'm a bit haphazard this month - I hope to be more on the ball during July.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!


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