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Hello all, I hope you're having a good week! I have been deep in a combination of busy writing, a heatwave, and some unpleasantly dramatic insomnia, so didn't end up doing a news update last Friday - but I have been doing a lot of edits on Chapters 4-7, and thought I'd share it here before the public update goes up on the 2nd.

Here's the most up-to-date early access demo! It's now around 306,000 words long.

You will probably need to restart or skip to a chapter rather than reloading a saved game with this one, as I've added a bunch of variables which won't play well with an older save.

Almost all these edits are in response to various old and new player feedback - thank you as always for all the comments you send, it's really helpful for helping polish up the game and make it better!

I hope you have a great rest of the week, and that it's not too hot where you are.

Revisions in this update:


  • More references to trauma responses when PC's health is low, more reference to cane use, a bit more flavour text about the injury, more flavour text referring to health improvements to reflect the PC looking after themself

  • Chapters 5, 6, 8: added talk with Denario about the PC being trans if it didn't happen in Chapter 3

Chapter 4

  • expanded a branch of the late-chapter Korzha scene for more breathing room

Chapter 5

  • added option to medically assess Korzha when they're sick

  • minor expansion of conversation with Catarina about what she thinks about the trip

  • minor expansion of letter-writing with Fiore

Chapter 6

  • tweaked Alva's assignment offer, with clearer information about potential disadvantages of taking it

  • expanded end of Savarel's one-on-one scene

  • fixed an error making end of Korzha's goodnight scene shorter than intended

  • added a choice to enable an amorous PC and Raffi to hide what's going on from Simone

  • added optional Denario scene, including optional sex scene

Chapter 7

  • expanded pre-town dialogue and added chance to increase some skills

  • added minor interaction with Korzha about looking after the lab in the immediate aftermath

  • added optional phone call with Fiore-added opportunity to talk to Savarel about MC/Fiore/Savarel

  • expanded all one-on-one scenes with befriendable/romanceable characters


Bessie Burnet

Ah, finally! The trigger for the Fiore and Savarel poly...! I've been waiting ages for this day...! 🥲


There's always been one in Chapter 9, but I realised it would be better to have at least one earlier too so players don't get worried that they've missed it!